Seafadm allows to do some administration tasks for Seafile ( from command line. It collects informations and executes commands by internally calling the web interface of Seafile, Seahub. The used BeautifulSoup module allows the command line tool to be seen as a browser from Seahub's perspective. Using seafadm one can collect informations about users, groups, links and libraries. These objects also can be deleted. Quotas can be set for users and domains. Searches can be done in users, libraries and groups. Reports can be generated to be sent to users by mail.
Attention: I try to keep as close as possible with seafadm to the official Seafile releases. There are minor differences between releases which make small corrections necessary. Especially if you use an older version of Seafile you will need to use an older one of seafadm too. See the tags to find a matching version.
Seafadm is tested with Python 2.7 and needs the great BeautifulSoup module from version 4 as well as the Python Requests library from Fedora and CentOS users do a
yum install python-beautifulsoup4 python-requests
Debian users install via
apt-get install python-bs4 python-requests
Then run simply on command line using the following instructions.
seafadm [option...] [command] [argument]
Valid options are:
-c, --config location for config file for URL, username and password
-U, --url URL of Seafile server, e.g. https://seafile.local
-u, --username username of Seafile admin account
-p, --password password for givern username
-F, --force disable confirmation for delete and quota command
Valid commands are:
show show informations about users, libraries, groups and links
add add users, libraries and files
update update user password
delete delete users, libraries, groups and links
quota set quota for single users and whole domains
search search for users, groups and links
report generate report per user to be sent by mail
check check for invalid links
clean check for invalid links and delete them
Arguments for show command:
users show all users, their ID, creation date and quota as list
user <username> show extra details about <username>, its libraries, shares and groups
libs show all libraries, their ID and owners as list
groups show all groups, their ID, owner, creation date and members as list
group <group> show details about single <group>
links show links, their ID, creation date and URL as list ordered by owner
all show extra details about all users
Arguments for add command:
user <email> <password> add user <email> with password <password>
library <name> <email> add library <name> for owner with <email>
files <filepath> <repo-id> add file from <filepath> to <repo-id>
Arguments for update command:
password <email> <new_password> update <email> password with <new_password>
Arguments for delete command:
user <username> delete <username>
lib <repo-id> delete library with ID <repo-id>
link <link> delete link <link> identified by URL or ID
group <group> delete group identified by group name <group>
Arguments for quota command:
user <username> <quota> set quota for <username> to <quota> MB
domain <domain> <quota> set quota for users from <domain> to <quota> MB
domain not <domain> <quota> set quota for users NOT from <domain> to <quota> MB
domain min <domain> <quota> set quota for users from <domain> to a minimum of
<quota> MB
Arguments for search command:
user <string> search in users for <string>
group <string> search in groups for <string>
link <string> search in links for <string>
Arguments for report command:
user <username> generate report for user <username>, to be sent by mail for example
Arguments for check command:
links check validity of links and display them ordered by validity
Arguments for clean command:
links check validity of links and delete them if invalid
garbage [threads] [path] run seaf_gc threads for faster garbace collection
[threads] defaults to 10 and [path] to /opt/seafile
The optional config file allows to omit sensitive information like username and password at the command line. These informations are stored in the config file that has to be given by the --config option and to look like that:
Showing all users, their libraries, groups and memberships:
seafadm -c ./seafadm.conf show all
Showing users as list:
seafadm -c ./seafadm.conf show users
Showing details about one single user:
seafadm -c ./seafadm.conf show user
Adding an user:
seafadm -c ./seafadm.conf add user bar1234
Adding a library:
seafdm -c ./seafadm.conf add library 'Joe Library'
Adding a file:
seafdm -c ./ add file './joe photo.jpg' 1c17cddc-2864-407c-8fcf-6a325964d00b
Update user password:
seafdm -c ./seafadm.conf update password foo1234
Deleting an user:
seafadm -c ./seafadm.conf delete user
Deleting a library:
seafadm -c ./seafadm.conf delete lib 1c17cddc-2864-407c-8fcf-6a325964d00b
Setting quota to 10240 MB for an user:
seafadm -c ./seafadm.conf quota user 10240
Setting quota to 4096 MB for users of domain
seafadm -c ./seafadm.conf quota domain 4096
Setting quota to a minimum of 20480 MB for all users of domain
seafadm -c ./seafadm.conf quota domain min 20480
Setting quota to 1 MB for all users NOT in domain
seafadm -c ./seafadm.conf quota domain not 1
Search for user joe in users:
seafadm -c ./seafadm.conf search user joe
Generate report for user
seafadm -c ./seafadm.conf report user
Check validity of links
seafadm -c ./seafadm.conf check links
Delete invalid links
seafadm -c ./seafadm.conf clean links