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EPIC mail is a web app that facilitates people to exchange messages over the internet. The app has authentication and functionalites where each user has to register and then login. A user can be able to make CRUD operations for messaging(Inbox, read messages, retract sent messages, send a message to individuals, save an email as draft and send it later or delete it), Create a group and add members to that group and send a message to a group.

Below, you can see all EPIC mail features listed.


  1. Users can sign up.
  2. Users can login.
  3. Users can create groups.
  4. Users can send a message to individuals.
  5. Users can view their inbox and read messages.
  6. Users can retract sent messages.
  7. Users can save an email as draft and send it later or delete it


  • You need to have git, NodeJS and nmp installed on your local environment.
  • Clone the application with git clone command.
  • npm install to install all the dependencies in local environment
  • npm update to update the dependencies if new version available.


  • NodeJs Runtime environment that helps to run JavaScript not only in the browser even on the server.
  • Express NodeJS framework used for making the back-end.
  • Joi and Morgan API request body error validation and HTTP Request logger respectively.

Getting Started

Starting application run the following npm scripts

  • npm start for starting the server.


When you need to test the application and view test coverate run:

  • npm test for running the tests, and getting coverage summary.


  • POST /api/v2/auth/signup Create a user account.

  • POST /api/v2/auth/login Login a user.

  • POST /api/v2/messages Create or send an email.

  • GET /api/v2/messages Fetch all received emails.

  • GET /api/v2/messages/unread Fetch all unread received emails.

  • GET /api/v2/messages/read Fetch all read received emails.

  • GET /api/v2/messages/sent Fetch all sent emails.

  • GET /api/v2/messages/draft Fetch all draft emails.

  • GET /api/v2/messages/<message-id> Fetch a specific email record.

  • DELETE /api/v2/messages/<message-id> Delete a specific email record.

  • POST /api/v2/groups Create a group.

  • GET /api/v2/groups Fetch all groups records.

  • PATCH /api/v2/groups/<group-id> Edit the name of a specific group.

  • DELETE /api/v2/groups/<group-id>/users Delete a specific group.

  • POST /api/v2/groups Add a user to a group.

  • DELETE /api/v2/groups/<group-id>/users/<user-id> Delete a user from a specific group.

  • POST /api/v2/groups/<group-id>/messages Create or send an email to a group

Heroku & Swagger API Documentation

Access link: Visit the link. You can test the above API using this Heroku URL with the above mentioned Endpoints.


GitHub pages (gh-pages) of this project is accessed using this link EPICMail UI.