New techs workbench by Hevedy under MPL 2.0
- Copy the folder <addons/HevedyLODManager_GD> into the same folder in your project.
- Copy the files <Scripts/> and <Scripts/> into your project folder.
- In Blender create a collection to be your mesh group, and name it after the name of your mesh.
- Inside it add up 4 different meshes and add the suffix "_LODx" where x is the number from 0 to 3.
- Export the group/collection as glTF 2.0 and import it to godot.
- The root of the each group must have as parent the script MeshLOD_GD.
- Add in the scene a new single LODManager_GD node to manage them all at runtime.
- Profit.
The addon/plugin manages the LODs in editor. The LODManager_GD manages the LODs in runtim in-game.