honey is intended to be a unix-like OS package manager and archive structure format for packages. It is distributed under BSD 3-Clause license, see LICENSE.
It is meant to be composed of a C library and a command line utility.
It keeps in mind the desire to stay embeddable without any compromise on its scalability. However it isn't meant to be used directly, you should build your providers around it. The command line utility is meant for shell script providers, recovery or advanced users.
The format is documented in the repository. Supposing the archive name is in $PACKAGE you may respectively create and extract honey packages with the following commands:
cpio -c -o | xz -C crc32 --lzma2 > "$PACKAGE"
unxz -C crc32 --lzma2 < "$PACKAGE" | cpio -c -i
Note: You can also replace crc32
with none
Meson is used to configure, build and install binaires and documentations:
meson setup build
meson compile -C build
meson install -C build
HTML documentation for the library is built using Doxygen.
The documentation is built through the doc
meson compile -C build doc
Meson is also used to manage the test suite:
meson test -C build