This code is written on python 3.7, so please use a version of python that's compatible to run this.
Required python packages:
- numpy
- matplotlib
- random
- time
- os
- astroML (only used in for TPCF, for data analysis)
ffmpeg is required to made video clips of obtained snapshots. This feature was not used for the report.
Please ensure that you have all the required packages installed and running before running this code.
Check Documentation_v0.1.pdf for details on how the code works.
The code set for test runs are given in the current directory with all individual code for the test cases in the directory "Test_cases".
There are 3 test cases:
- 2-body simulation (2_body)
- 3-body simulation (3_body)
- Large scale structure formation (large_scale_structure)
There are 2 cases in 2_body:
- no_initial_velocity
- with_initial_velocity
And there are 2 cases in large_scale_structure:
- 10000_particles
- 20000_particles
For details about what to do in each case, please read the README file in the corresponding directory.
NOTE: These README files are in markdown format. If they're not showing proper formatting, please open these in gedit or other markdown-compatible text editor.