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Pre-train your own GPT by your txt

The project is built for pre-training GPT model to suit with your own purpose/industry. This is aim for take a word vectors can grasp the context you given. From that, you can use your pre-trained word vectors for further tasks: Sentiment Classication, Chatbot, ...

Sample results:

wv.most_similarity('thông minh')
#[('độ lượng', 0.2605756),
#('lãng mạn', 0.25537658),
#('chín chắn', 0.23102686),
#('hồng hào', 0.23076029),
#('đẹp trai', 0.23039979)]

if you want to use sample data: train csv, test csv, model


  • datacreator: for prepare/ handle data for modelling.
  • model: GPT model architecture, training model and calculate word vector

Library installation

Run this code to install before you import hGPT:

git clone
cd hminiGPT
pip install -e .


import module

from hGPT.datacreator import DataCreator, Vocabulary, CustomDataset
from hGPT.model import MiniGPT, Trainer, WordVector

set parameters:

device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
#model params
block_size = 128
batch_size = 32
vocab_size = None
n_emb = 512
num_head = 2
n_layer = 2
dropout = 0.3
#trainer params
learning_rate = 0.0001
eval_iters = 100

You should read demo file for better understanding

1. Create Data

(note that hGPT use spacy-tokenizer for convenient, you can custom it with the code in: datacreator.DataCreator):

if you've not extracted data

tokenizer = spacy.load('vi_core_news_lg')
train_data = DataCreator(block_size, tokenizer)
val_data = DataCreator(block_size, tokenizer)
train_file_path = 'your_train.txt'
val_file_path = 'your_val.txt'
train_data.extractPairs(train_file_path, 50000)
val_data.extractPairs(val_file_path, 5000)
train_data.csvwrite('trainGPTdata.csv', ',')
val_data.csvwrite('valGPTdata.csv', ',')

if data is exist

train_data.csvread('trainGPTdata.csv', ',')
val_data.csvread('valGPTdata.csv', ',')

2. Create DataLoader

voc = Vocabulary()
train_dataset = CustomDataset(train_data.pairs, voc, device, min_count = 5, type = 'train')
val_dataset = CustomDataset(val_data.pairs, voc, device, type = 'val')
train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size, shuffle = True)
val_dataloader = DataLoader(val_dataset, batch_size, shuffle = True)

3. Initial Model

model = MiniGPT(voc.num_words, n_emb, block_size, num_head, n_layer, dropout, device)
m =

4. Training

train_iters = 1000
optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr = learning_rate)
trainer = Trainer(train_dataloader, val_dataloader, model, optimizer, eval_iters)

5. Save model

save_model_path = ''

7. If you want to use Pre-train Data

save_model_path = ''
checkpoint = torch.load(save_model_path, map_location = torch.device('cpu'))

8. Calculate similarity based on your trained model

if using Pre-train:
#voc = Vocabulary()
#model = MiniGPT(voc.num_words, n_emb, block_size, num_head, n_layer, dropout, device)

wv = WordVector(voc, model, device)
#if you want to take word vector
word = ''
word_vector = WordVecor.word_vector[word]

#calculate similarity
word1, word2, word3 = '', '', ''
wv.similarity(word2, word3)


  • This project is built for you to training your own model based on your text. So if your given is too small or it don't give comprehensive word context, a result's might not be good.
  • My guild for this project is just pre-train phrase, that is the project's aim is focus to take word's vector for a given text. If you want to make a chatbot, there'll requires more fine-tuning phrase.
