A Terminal tool that integrates AES encryption, Base64 encoding, Leetspeak encoding and Blosc compression.
- An Interactive Interface in Terminal
- CLI Commands and Parameters
- Windows Context Menu Options
Options | -m (mode) |
Encrypt String | ecs |
Decrypt String | dcs |
Encrypt File | ecf |
Decrypt File | dcf |
Base64 Encode String | bes |
Base64 Decode String | bds |
Base64 Encode File | bef |
Base64 Decode File | bdf |
Compress File | cpf |
Decompress File | dpf |
Leet Encode String | les |
Leet Decode String | lds |
Here is a android version (still in development).
Download from Github Release to get the latest build for Windows and run setup.bat as administrator.
or build with pyinstaller on your own:
git clone https://github.com/Holence/EncryptionTools.git
python -m venv env_build
pip install -r .\requirements.txt
pip install pyinstaller
build into One-Folder :
pyinstaller .\EncryptionTools.spec
Finally, move these 2 things into ./dist/EncryptionTools
- yjsnpi.dll (taunting)
- leet.dll (leetspeak)
- context_menu.reg (Registry template)
- setup.bat (Add registry for context menu)
- singleinstance.exe (Support passing multiple files to shell context menu command)
Place EncryptionTools
folder at anywhere you like.
Run setup.bat as administrator.