Tiny replacement for system shells on secure gateway machines.
Allows untrusted users to run a few commands without being able to specify arguments, and it allows users to connect to hostnames specified in the menu.hosts file.
- Install
to where your other shells are. - Add the full path to the system
file - Copy the HELP, HOSTS and GREETING files to
- Tweak HELP, HOSTS and GREETING to fit your environment.
- Add users with their shell set to
Simply add the short hostname toHOSTS
, and use the system-wide ssh_config to specify full hostnames, if needed. An example usage session follows:
$ ssh gateway.example.com
Unauthorised access prohibited.
Contact: http://security.example.com/ -- security@example.com
Helpfiles: http://security.example.com/help/gateways/
Enter command or host name, or 'help' for help.
gateway> help
Type a legal command or hostname at the prompt.
Available commands:
help -- this menu
uptime -- display system uptime and load averages
who, w, finger -- display information about connected users
exit -- disconnect from the system (aliases: bye,
logout, quit)
Available hostnames:
webserver buildhost fileserver
gateway> uptime
2:47PM up 2:24, 4 users, load averages: 0.09, 0.09, 0.08
gateway> webserver