This repo translate notion pages into hexo pages.
Thanks a lot for notion-down, I borrow write_block
from it, and translate to markdown-style.
This is based on notion-py, which requires non-offical token_v2
that need to get by webpage cache.
cp config.example.yaml config.yaml
output : "./build"
url : "#REPLACED:"
token : "#TODO:notion-sdk-python API"
"Test notion-down": # Blog category
- ^NotionDown.*
- ^MarkDown.*
- ^Hexo.*
token_v2: "#REPLACED:notion-py token_v2 API"
fork this repo, merge into
and run the github action
git remote add notion2hexo
git fetch
git checkout -b notion2hexo notion2hexo/main
pip -r reqiurements.txt
git checkout SOURCE_BRANCH # source branch of hexo
rsync -av build/ SOURCE_DIR # SOURCE_DIR like source, store _posts, assets, _drafts
hexo g -d
- change blog category during writing
- check file date:
- do not generate again
- only update newer
- cache mode
- notion-py
- add cache
- notion-sdk