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216 lines (179 loc) · 7.57 KB

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I want to make code-server uses like jupyterhub, login at web browser without ssh into server and spawn a code-server instance

And it's so convenient, and I am the MIS personnel of my lab. So I wrote a installation script. But with the time passed, I added more and more function in this script....

What is this?

How this work

This is a nginx reverse proxy config which will try to authenticate user:password with linux pam module ,and try to execute command to spawn a code-server workspace by that user, and then proxy_pass to it.

Installation guide

Install with script(Ubuntu 18.04/20.04)

Actually this script is only a installation script, it's a one-click configuration script for training servers of our lab.

Please install nvidia-driver before use this script and make sure nvidia-smi works properly if you have GPUs.

interactive install , ask you (yes/no) in the installation process

chmod 755 

For our lab , enable all features

chmod 755 
sudo ./ -hp=yes -hps=yes -pq=yes -st=yes -jph=yes -pip3=yes -c=yes -rd=no -d=yes -de=yes -dn=yes -dp=yes
Paramaters description
paramater description port occupied
This project 8443
hp Replace homepage of nginx 80
hps Enable https for homepage 443
pq Install pwquality,force users to use strong passwords with libpam-pwquality
Password requirement:at least one lower-case, upper-case, digit, and non-alphanumeric
minlen =8,usercheck and dictcheck enabled
st Install servstat backend
a web gui to check who is using the GPUs
jph Install jupyterhub 18517,8001
pip3 Install python3-pip。it will be skipped if already installed.
c Install cockpit 9090
rd Install rootless-docker
d Install code-server-hub docker version 2087
de Install docker engine,it will be skipped if already installed.
dn Install nvidia-docker,it will be skipped if already installed.
dp Install portainer,it will be skipped if already installed. 9000

If you want to install at your own server, this is the paramater I suggest.

Minimal installatoin

sudo ./ -hp=no -hps=no -pq=no -st=no -jph=no -pip3=no -c=no -rd=no -d=no -de=no -dn=no -dp=no


user passwd
root DockerAtHeroku

Your own server,Normal version

sudo ./ -hp=no -hps=no -pq=no -st=no -jph=yes -pip3=yes -c=yes -rd=no -d=no -de=no -dn=no -dp=no

Multi user server,normal version + docker version + pwquality

sudo ./ -hp=no -hps=no -pq=yes -st=no -jph=yes -pip3=yes -c=yes -rd=yes -d=yes -de=yes -dn=yes -dp=yes

than access your ip with port 8443(normal version) and 2087(docker version) with web browser.

Manual install


  • nginx with lua and auth-pam module
  • wget curl
  • openssl
  • git
  • python3 python3-pip
  • p7zip

Predefined functions in bash

function get_cpu_architecture()
    local cpuarch;
    cpuarch=$(uname -m)
    case $cpuarch in
              echo "amd64";
              echo "arm64";
              echo "Not supported cpu architecture: ${cpuarch}"  >&2
              exit 1

if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then
    . /etc/os-release

Doenload files to /etc/code-server-hub

cd /etc
git clone --depth 1 code-server-hub
cd /etc/code-server-hub

Add nginx to shadow to make pam_module work and set permission to allow nginx read/write to following folder

usermod -aG shadow www-data
echo "###set permission###"
mkdir -p /etc/code-server-hub/.cshub
mkdir -p /etc/code-server-hub/envs
chmod -R 755 /etc/code-server-hub/.cshub
chmod -R 775 /etc/code-server-hub/util
chmod -R 773 /etc/code-server-hub/sock
chmod -R 770 /etc/code-server-hub/envs
chmod -R 700 /etc/code-server-hub/cert
chgrp shadow /etc/code-server-hub/envs
chgrp shadow /etc/code-server-hub/util/anime_pic

Generate self signed cert

echo "###generate self signed cert###"
echo "###You should buy or get a valid ssl certs           ###"
echo "###Now I generate a self singed certs in cert folder ###"
echo "###But you should replace it with valid a ssl certs  ###"
echo '###Remember update your cert for cockpit too!        ###'
echo '### cat ssl.pem ssl.key > /etc/cockpit/ws-certs.d/0-self-signed.cert###'
cd /etc/code-server-hub/cert
openssl genrsa -out ssl.key 2048
openssl req -new -x509 -key ssl.key -out ssl.pem -days 3650 -subj /CN=localhost

Install normal version


  • tmux
  • npm

Doenload latest code-server

cd /etc/code-server-hub
curl -L -s \
| grep "browser_download_url.*linux-${cpu_arch}.tar.gz" \
| cut -d : -f 2,3 \
| tr -d \" \
| wget -i - -O code-server.tar.gz
echo "###unzip code-server.tar.gz###"

rm -r /etc/code-server-hub/.cshub/* || true
tar xzvf code-server.tar.gz -C .cshub
mv .cshub/*/* .cshub/
rm code-server.tar.gz

Link config file to nginx

cd /etc/code-server-hub
ln -s /etc/code-server-hub/code            /etc/nginx/sites-available/code
ln -s ../sites-available/code              /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/code

Now, you can access https://[your_ip]:8443 to access it.

Docker version


  • docker

Choose one image from following list

image description
docker pull whojk/code-server-hub-docker:minimal CPU only
docker pull whojk/code-server-hub-docker:standard CPU only
docker pull whojk/code-server-hub-docker:basicML GPU required

If you want to build your own image, follow this link

Then modify /etc/code-server-hub/util/,locate line7 and line8, replace the name to your choose based on your hardware(CPU or GPU)

image_name_cpu = "whojk/code-server-hub-docker:minimal"
image_name_gpu = "whojk/code-server-hub-docker:basicML"

Line 51 will check nvidia-docker works or not. If it works, it will use image_name_gpu, otherwise use image_name_cpu

has_gpu = []
image_name = image_name_cpu
outs, errs = subprocess.Popen(["docker run --rm --gpus all nvidia/cuda:10.2-base nvidia-smi"], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
if len(outs) > 0:
    has_gpu = ["--gpus", getGPUParam(username)]
    image_name = image_name_gpu

Link config file to nginx

cd /etc/code-server-hub
ln -s /etc/code-server-hub/code-hub-docker /etc/nginx/sites-available/code-hub-docker
ln -s ../sites-available/code-hub-docker   /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/code-hub-docker

Now, you can access https://[your_ip]:2087 to access it.