This is a recipe search webpage that takes user input and display corresponding related recipes. This project was bootstrapped with Parcel Bundler.
In the project directory, to install required packages, you can run:
Then, to start the application, you can run:
- Take user input, render list of recipes related to input keyword. E.g. apple, pizza, pear and so on.
- Upon click "MORE FACTS", definition of the first word of the title of recipe displayed on the website will be shown.
- User could bookmark and unbookmark recipe.
- Clicking + or - button, the recipe ingredients would be updated with the change in the number of servings.
- ParcelJS
- Bootstrap
- VanillaJS
- Hudson Nguyen - A CS Sophomore @Luther College
- Millie Wang - A CS Sophomore @Luther College
The basic design of this webpage was based on Jonas Schmedtmann.