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per ilpersi#158

I went into v44.2 and downloaded it fresh and pulled out settings.ini fie...I just moved around the sections like I mentioned...

Couldn't upload so placing here. Let me know if I did something wrong.
  • Loading branch information
Hunteil authored Apr 30, 2020
1 parent 56fc0fe commit 8351929
Showing 1 changed file with 240 additions and 0 deletions.
240 changes: 240 additions & 0 deletions settings.ini
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
# ______ _ _ ______ _
# | ___ \ | | || ___ \ | |
# | |_/ / |_| || |_/ / ___ | |_
# | ___ \ _ || ___ \/ _ \| __|
# | |_/ / | | || |_/ / (_) | |_
# \____/\_| |_/\____/ \___/ \__|
## BHBot settings file, read through carefully if you're setting up for the first time ##
## Apologies for readibility, it's getting a bit crowded with the new features ##
## Any queries just raise an issue on GitHub ##

# Used to automatically log-in if you are logged out, not required if you have security concerns
username yourusername
password yourpassword

# Enable/disable various activities
# (r=raids, d=dungeons, w=worldboss, t=trials, g=gauntlet, p=pvp, e=expedition, i=invasion, v=gvg, b=bounties, a=fishing baits collection, f=fishing)
# If both Dungeons and World Boss are enabled Dungeons will take priority
# To disable an activity, just remove the corresponding letter from the setting
# The bot will prioritise the activities from left to right while resources are available.
# E.G You can set Raids to lowest priority to ensure other resources don't cap while using shard baskets.
activitiesEnabled a t g p e v i w r b

# If round robin is enabled the bot will check the activities in order, in a repeating loop.
# This gives equal priority weighting to all activities.
activitiesRoundRobin 0

# Set maximum resources (For calculating values with guild perks)
maxShards 4
maxTokens 10
maxTickets 10
maxBadges 10

# Set minimum resources (Amount for the bot to leave for manual play)
minShards 1
minTokens 1
minEnergyPercentage 10
minTickets 1
minBadges 1

# Set resource cost of activities
costPVP 5
costGVG 5
costTrials 5
costGauntlet 5
costInvasion 5
costExpedition 5
baitAmount 1

# Dungeon solo threshold
# This zone and zones under it will be run solo to complete solo heroic bounties
minSolo 1

# Dungeons to run
# format is: z2d1 3 50;z2d4 50; first is zone/dungeon, second is difficulty and third is chance to run (z4's don't need difficulty defined)
dungeons z1d1 3 100

# Raids to run
# format is: 6 3 20;1 3 50; first is raid tier, second is difficulty level and the third is chance to run
raids 1 3 100

# Dungeons/Raids to run on Wednesday (if you want to take advantage of capture day enter dungeons/raids here, else delete/comment out the lines)
#wednesdayDungeons z1d1 3 100
#wednesdayRaids 1 3 100

# List of expeditions we want to do (there are 4 portals: p1, p2, p3 and p4) followed by the difficulty level and the chance to run
# Examples:
# 'p1 250 70;p2 230 30' ==> in 70% of cases it will do p1 at lvl 250, in 30% of cases it will do p2 at lvl 230
expeditions p1 10 25;p2 10 25;p3 10 25;p4 10 25

# Trials/Gauntlet difficulty level
difficultyGauntlet 1
difficultyTrials 1

# Decrease difficulty when you lose
# format: <dungeon_type>:<levels_to_decrease>:[minimum_level]
# Only Expedition, Trials and Gauntlet supported, you can mix them as you want (e=expedition, t=trials, g=gauntlet)
# Example 'difficultyFailsafe t:1 g:5:100' -> you lose a trial, difficultyTrials is decreased by 1. you lose a gauntlet, difficultyGauntlet is decreased by 5 to a minimum level of 100
difficultyFailsafe t:5 g:5:100

# Increase difficulty after a given number of victories in a row
# format: <dungeon_type>:<required_victories_in_a_row>:<levels_to_increase>
# Only Trials and Gauntlet supported, you can mix them as you want (t=trials, g=gauntlet)
# Example 'successThreshold t:10:1 g:10:1' -> you win 10 trials in a row, difficultyTrials is increased by 1. You win 10 gauntlets in a row, difficultyGauntlet is increased by 1
successThreshold t:5:1 g:5:1

# PvP Opponent selection (select from the 1st to the 4th opponent in the PvP screen)
pvpOpponent 2

# GvG Opponent selection (select from the 1st to the 4th opponent in the GvG screen)
gvgOpponent 2

# PvP Stripping (You can unequip items to lower your TS to avoid high level players).
# Delete the line if you do not need it.
# fomat is: pvpstrip b r
# (m=mainhand, o=offhand, b=body, r=ring, h=head, n=neck)
#pvpstrip o r
# same as pvpstrip, intented for GVG
#gvgstrip o r

# World Boss Settings
# Format is 'worldBoss n 3 9'
# o=orlag, n=nether, m=melvin, 3=3xt3rmin4tion, b=Brimstone Syndicate, t=Titans Attack followed by difficulty, then tier
worldBoss 3 1 10
# World Boss Timer (time to get a full lobby, on timeout return to main screen)
worldBossTimer 60
# If the lobby doesn't fill in time, run a dungeon instead? (0 = no, 1 = yes), useful for non peak hours
dungeonOnTimeout 1
# World Boss solo setting
worldBossSolo 0

# if autoconsume is 1 (enabled), then bot will automatically consume consumables defined by 'consumables' string
autoconsume 0

# the 'consumables' string defines consumables (separated by spaces) that should be always in use.
# Example: "consumables exp_minor item_major gold_average". This will make sure those 3 consumables are always in use.
# Possible consumable types are: exp_*, item_*, speed_* and gold_* (where * is minor, average or major).
consumables exp_minor gold_minor item_minor

# Auto-revive Settings (Auto-revive needs "Disable auto-pilot on death" setting to be enabled in game to work)
# format is autoRevive t g r e
# (t=trials, g=gauntlet, r=raid, e=expedition)
autoRevive t g r e
# Order to attempt to use revives (3 is 100% revive, 2 is 60%, 1 is 40%)
potionOrder 123
# Maximum potions to use per activity
potionLimit 5
# Enable this setting to use 100% revives on the tank position, as they tend to need them the most
# format is tankPriority t g r e
# (t=trials, g=gauntlet, r=raid, e=expedition)
tankPriority t g r e
# Tank position (5 is rear, 1 is front)
tankPosition 1

# Auto-shrine (automatically attempt to save shrines for trials/raid boss encounters.)
# format is autoShrine t r e
# (t=trials, r=raid, e=expedition)
autoShrine t r e
# Battle delay, this is the time with no encounters before enabling shrines.
battleDelay 30
# Shrine delay, this is the delay to traverse the map for shrines before enabling the boss
shrineDelay 20

# Auto-runes (automatically switch between minor runes depending on activity type).
# Rune types are "experience", "item_find", "capture" and "gold".
# When given a specific rune type for a rune slot, the highest grade rune of that type available for that slot will be
# chosen (e.g. when an "item_find" rune is specified, and a given slot has both an epic and a common item find rune
# equipped, the epic rune will always be preferred).
# Default rune set; this is the rune set loaded if not specified in the "autoRune" setting, below.
# Format is "autoRuneDefault <left rune type> [<right rune type>]"; if right rune is not defined, left rune will be
# used for both left and right slots. If autoRuneDefault is not defined, autoRune and autoBossRune will be disabled.
#autoRuneDefault experience
# Auto-runes; use these runes when performing the specified activity.
# Format is "autoRune <activity> <left rune type> [<right rune type>]; <activity> ...".
# Activities are: d=dungeon, e=expedition, g=gauntlet, i=invasion, p=pvp, v=gvg, r=raid, t=trials, w=worldboss.
#autoRune g item_find; i item_find; w item_find
# Boss runes; use these runes when fighting a boss in one of the above activities (it will switch to the boss
# rune immediately before fighting the boss). NB: This requires auto-shrines to be enabled.
# Format is "autoBossRune <activity> <left rune> [<right rune>]; <activity> ..."
#autoBossRune r item_find; e item_find; t item_find

# Familiar encounter management based on type. Using this setting you can decide if you want to persuade/bribe encounters
# base on minimum the level of the familiar. Possible values are 0 to do nothing, 1 to persuade/bribe starting from COMMON
# familiars, 2 to start from RARE, # 3 for EPIC, 4 for LEGENDARY.
# Exmple
# persuasionLevel 2 <- only familiars that are at least RARE will be persuaded
# bribeLevel 4 <- only LEGENDARY familiars will be automatically bribed.

persuasionLevel 1
bribeLevel 0

# Using this setting you can bribe a given amount of a particular familiar. Not all the familiars are supported,
# to get the list of all currently available familiars use the 'print familiars' command while the bot is running.
# The format is 'familiars squib 5; astaroth 1; violace 2'. familiar name first, amount you want to bribe second and
# finaly, if you want to target more than one familiar use the ; caracter to separate them
# When a familiar is bribed this file will be automatically updated with the updated bribe counter.
# This parameter overrides what is specified in the bribeLevel one
familiars squib 0

# Misc settings
# Do you want BHBot to automatically start chromedriver for you?
autoStartChromeDriver 1
# Skeleton chest opening (0=decline all, 1=open all, 2=open in raid only)
openSkeletonChest 0

# Enable/disable various screenshots for logging
# (w=weekly rewards, d=daily rewards, a=fishing bait, b=bounties, dg=daily gems, wg=weekly gems, fe=familiar encounters, s=skeleton chest)
screenshots w d a b dg wg s

# Development settings

# Saves a screenshot when encountering based on the type of the familiar
# 0 to do nothing, 1 to shoot starting from COMMON familiars, 2 from RARE, 3 from EPIC, 4 for LEGENDARY.
familiarScreenshot 1
# Do you want to contribute to familiar cue collecting? Setting this to 1 will upload cue of familiar names to a
# space where developers can use it to improve the detection. Please note that to keep your privacy safe only the
# portion of the screen containing the name of the familiar will be uploaded
contributeFamiliars 1

# BHBot log settings
# Where do you want to save the logs? (/logs/ by default)
logBaseDir logs
# What is the default level of the logs? There are different level available from debug to fatal. The debug level is
# extremely verbose and it is only recommended for developers
# debug, info, warn, error, fatal
logLevel info
# How many days of logs do we store?
logMaxDays 30

# Debug settings
debugDetectionTimes 0
hideWindowOnRestart 0
reconnectTimer 10

# This section of the setting is dedicated to the Pushover integration
# Do you want to enable the Pushover integration?
enablePushover 0
# Pushover APP_TOKEN
poAppToken yourAppToken
# Pushover USER_TOKEN
poUserToken yourUserToken
# Do you want to be notified when BHbot crash?
poNotifyCrash 1
# Keep alive notification to be triggered every n hours
poNotifyAlive 6
# Do you want to be notified when BHbot finds unexpected errors?
poNotifyErrors 1
# Do you want to be notified when you receive a PM?
poNotifyPM 1
# Do you want to be notified of bribed familiars?
poNotifyBribe 1
# Do you want to be notified of special drops?
# (l for legendary, s for set, m for mythical)
poNotifyDrop l s e

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