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Excavation chronicles

Aurélien Bénel edited this page May 24, 2013 · 3 revisions

The project was a collaboration with the French School of Archaeology in Athens. It aimed at giving “online” access to the “Chronique des fouilles” (Excavations chronicles) from the “Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique”. This represents 80 years of archaeology (in Greece and Cyprus) in small articles (about ten thousands). A part of the corpus has been tested on Porphyry.

A first class of information is explicit and consensual : for example, the logical and physical structure of the article. Since our documents are articles from a periodical, the physic reference is made of the series title, its issue number and the pages containing the article (but which can contain others too). The logical reference is composed by the title hierarchy. One can note in the example that the usual tree-like aspect of logical reference is only a fake for a more complex one: there are in fact one hierarchy for digging areas and one for digging periods.

A second class of information concerns what is implicit or should be discussed. This “subject structure” is composed of every complementary or even contradictory personal indexing. Every indexing is linked to its author’s name. In this context, the official indexing (from the library or the serials) is a personal indexing done for an organisation. To this dimension of the individuals (organised in working group…) one should add other dimensions: space, time, artefacts typology (for the case of archaeology)…

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