Kitab is the ideal companion for Documentation-Driven Quality for PHP programs.
The goal of Kitab is twofold, render and test the documentation:
Generate a quality and searchable documentation based on your code. The documentation inside your code is compiled into static HTML files with a powerful static search engine,
Test the documentation itself. Indeed, a documentation contains examples, and these examples are compiled into test suites that are run directly to ensure the examples are still up-to-date and working.
Kitab is able to compile the documentation inside your code into static HTML files. A carefully crafted design is provided to ensure a great look for your documentation. This is possible to customize the logo, the project name, etc.
A static search engine is compiled specifically for your documentation. It contains all the modern features we can expect from a search engine, like tokenizing, stemming, stop word filtering, term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-ID), inverted index etc. The search engine database is pre-computed and optimized to load as fast as possible.
The more your documentation provides details and smart vocabulary, the more the search engine will be able to provide relevant results.
The following command line compiles the documentation from your code
in src
into HTML files stored in doc
$ ./bin/kitab compile --open --with-composer --output-directory doc src
The --with-composer
option asks Kitab to use Composer for PSR-4
mapping definitions. This is useful to map
files to
namespace directories, more below. The --open
option opens the
documentation in your default browser as soon as it is generated
Documentation test suites, aka DocTest, are generated based on the examples present in your documentation. Examples are compiled into test suites and executed on-the-fly. A cache is generated to avoid to re-compile examples into test suites each time.
For instance, the following example will succeed:
* Classical sum of two integers.
* # Examples
* ```php
* $x = 1;
* $y = 2;
* assert(3 === sum($x + $y));
* ```
function sum(int $x, int $y): int
return $x + $y;
The following command line generates and executes the documentation
test suites from the src
$ ./bin/kitab test src
Behind the scene, Kitab uses the atoum test framework.
Kitab requires PHP and NodeJS to be installed: PHP because this is a PHP program, and NodeJS to pre-compiled the static search engine (which is written in Elm).
Kitab expects documentation in your PHP code to be written in CommonMark (a standard variant of Markdown). It can be mixed with HTML.
Each block of documentation can declare sections, and any kind of CommonMark elements, like:
* This is a block of documentation, attached to a PHP class.
* # Examples
* An example illustrates how to use the documented entity, here the
* class `C`.
* ```php
* $c = new C();
* ```
class C { }
There are only 2 special section names: Examples, and Exceptions. Use them to introduce one or more examples, and exceptions explanations. This is a common standard used by other tools.
Any kind of entities can be documented: Classes, interfaces, traits, class attributes, constants, methods, and functions.
Namespaces cannot be documented directly from the code, because of the
way they are declared (entities are declared inside a namespace; the
namespace is not declared as is). However, they can be documented
through special files, named
. If your code
follows the PSR-4 specification, then run
Kitab with the --with-composer
option to specify the location of the
file of your project in order to allow Kitab to
automatically find PSR-4 mappings. These mappings are necessary to
transform a namespace into a path to a directory. For each directory
representing a namespace, if a
file exists, then it will
be used as the documentation of this particular namespace. For
instance, Kitab\
maps to src/
, so the documentation for
the Kitab
namespace is
expected to be find in the src/Compiler/
file, that
simple. This is pretty straightforward at usage.
Entity and namespace documentations are inserted at the top of their respective documentation page. This is the introduction. The rest of the page contains information about the entity or the namespace.
Documentation can contain block of codes. This is possible to specify the type of the block with this standard notation:
```type code ```
where type
can be php
, sh
, html
, css
etc. It impacts the
syntax highlighting.
The php
type is special since it indicates a potential test
case. Indeed, all code blocks inside an Examples Section can be
compiled into test suites with the ./bin/kitab test
command. We can
control the expectation of the test case:
indicates the test case must be a success,php,ignore
indicates the test case must be skiped,php,must_throw
indicates the test case must throw an exception,php,must_throw(E)
indicates the test case must throw an exception of kindE
Consequently, the following example will be a success:
* Generate a runtime exception.
* # Examples
* ```php,must_throw(RuntimeException)
* panic('Hello World');
* ```
function panic(string $message): RuntimeException
throw new RuntimeException($message);