Compute Fleiss Multi-Rater Kappa Statistics Provides overall estimate of kappa, along with asymptotic standard error, Z statistic, significance or p value under the null hypothesis of chance agreement and confidence interval for kappa. Also provides similar statistics for individual categories.
- IBM SPSS Statistics 18 or later and the corresponding IBM SPSS Statistics-Integration Plug-in for Python.
- Open IBM SPSS Statistics
- Navigate to Utilities -> Extension Bundles -> Download and Install Extension Bundles
- Search for the name of the extension and click Ok. Your extension will be available.
Analyze →
Scale →
Fleiss Kappa
STATS FLEISS KAPPA VARIABLES=nRateSub nRateAv nRateRel nRatePr nRateSc nRateCD nRateSft nRateHD