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How to setup a SSL configuration in DB2 and in JDBC toolkit
This document describes a step by step procedure to setup a DB2 SSL configuration and use the trustStore keys in streamsx.jdbc toolkit.
The IBM Db2 database system supports SSL encryption. More details in : https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSEPGG_11.1.0/com.ibm.db2.luw.admin.sec.doc/doc/t0070301.html
At first, we must create SSL keys and change the DB2 configuration.
Add the SSL service port to the /etc/services .
The SSL_SVCENAME is this example db2ssl .
login as root add the following line at the end of file /etc/services .
db2ssl 50005/tcp
In our example the SSL port is 50005 and the db2 instance owner is db2inst1 .
vi /etc/services
cat /etc/services | grep db2
db2c_db2inst1 50000/tcp
b2j_db2inst1 55000/tcp
db2ssl 50005/tcp
The IBM® Global Security Kit (GSKit) supports the use of the SSL protocol to protect DB2® client server communications over the network. login as db2 instance owner and add gskit libraries and programs to your path
su - db2inst1
add the following lines into your db2inst1 (instance owner) .bashrc file.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/db2inst1/sqllib/gskit/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/home/db2inst1/sqllib/gskit/bin
source ~/.bashrc
The following sample describes how to create the SSL keys. You can adapt the shell script with your password and your DN information. Create a shell script in your db2 instance owner (db2inst1) home directory.
You need the keytool
to create keys.
is a part of JDK.
If you have already installed a JDK, it creates usually a link in /use/bin/ JAVA_PATH/jre/bin/keytool.
You can check it with
which keytool`
If you can not find it, you have to add the path of keytool to your .bashrc file.
You can add the path of keytool to your .bashrc file.
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/jre/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$DB2INSTALL_FOLDER_VERSION/java/jdk64/bin/
vi createSSL.sh
And add the following lines in file createSSL.sh.
# check the db2 ssl port in /etc/services
SSL_PORT=`cat /etc/services | grep db2ssl | awk -F" " {'print $2'} | awk -F"/" {'print $1'}`
echo "DB2 server hostname = $HOSTNAME ssl port=$SSL_PORT ssl password =$SSLPASSWORD"
if [ $chrlen -lt 2 ]
echo "Please add a ssl port for db2 in your /etc/services"
echo "for example:"
echo "db2ssl 50005/tcp"
rm -rf ssl
mkdir ssl
cd ssl
echo "------------------------------------- create keys ------------------------"
gsk8capicmd_64 -keydb -create -db "key.kdb" -pw "$SSLPASSWORD" -stash
gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -create -db "key.kdb" -pw "$SSLPASSWORD" -label "SSLLabel" -dn "CN=$HOSTNAME,O=IBM,OU=ISL,L=Berlin,ST=BERLIN,C=GERMANY"
gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -extract -db "key.kdb" -pw "$SSLPASSWORD" -label "SSLLabel" -target "key.arm" -format ascii -fips
ls -al
echo "----------------------- update db2 configuration ------------------------"
db2 update dbm cfg using SSL_SVR_KEYDB /home/db2inst1/ssl/key.kdb
db2 update dbm cfg using SSL_SVR_STASH /home/db2inst1/ssl/key.sth
db2 update dbm cfg using SSL_SVR_LABEL SSLLabel
db2 update dbm cfg using SSL_SVCENAME db2ssl
db2 update dbm cfg using SSL_VERSIONS TLSV12
db2 get database manager configuration |grep SSL
echo "-------------------------- restart db2 ----------------------------------"
db2stop force
echo "-------------------------- create certificate --------------------------"
openssl s_client -connect $HOSTNAME:$SSL_PORT -servername $HOSTNAME < /dev/null > cert.txt
cat cert.txt | openssl x509 -trustout > db2cert.pem
echo "--------------------------create keystore via keytool ---------------------"
cat db2cert.pem
keytool -noprompt -import -file db2cert.pem -keystore keystore.jks -alias ltsdb2 -storepass $SSLPASSWORD
ls -al keystore.jks
Save the file createSSL.sh and make it executable
chmod +x createSSL.sh
It creates keys, changes the DB2 configuration, stops the database and start it again .
sudo lsof -i |grep db2
db2sysc 16568 db2inst1 8u IPv4 53077 0t0 TCP *:db2c_db2inst1 (LISTEN)
db2sysc 16568 db2inst1 9u IPv4 53078 0t0 TCP *:db2ssl (LISTEN)
copy keystore.jks to your client in opt/ directory of your JDBC project.
copy the latest DB2 jdbc drive jar file db2jcc4.jar also into opt/ directory Link for DB2 JDBC drivers http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21363866
Befor you compile this spl file you have to adapt the db2-server-name and the passwords.
* This SPL application demonstrates a JDBCRun operator to use SSL keys
* It creates an encrypted connection to DB2 server, using IBM DB2 SSL.
* And print the DB2 instance name
namespace application ;
use com.ibm.streamsx.jdbc::* ;
use com.ibm.streamsx.jdbc.types::* ;
composite JDBCSSl
expression<rstring> $jdbcDriverLib : getSubmissionTimeValue("jdbcDriverLib", "opt/db2jcc4.jar") ;
expression<rstring> $jdbcClassName : getSubmissionTimeValue("jdbcClassName", "com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver") ;
expression<rstring> $jdbcUrl : getSubmissionTimeValue("jdbcUrl", "jdbc:db2://<your-db2-server>:50005") ;
expression<rstring> $jdbcUser: getSubmissionTimeValue("jdbcUser", "db2inst1" );
expression<rstring> $jdbcPassword: getSubmissionTimeValue("jdbcPassword", "db2Passw0rd" );
expression<rstring> $trustStore : getSubmissionTimeValue("trustStore", "opt/keystore.jks") ;
expression<rstring> $trustStorePassword : getSubmissionTimeValue("trustStorePassword", "sslPassw0rd") ;
stream<int32 count,rstring statement> createSelect = Custom() {
onProcess: {
for (int32 i in range(5)) {
submit({ count=i, statement = "select INST_NAME from SYSIBMADM.ENV_INST_INFO" }, createSelect) ;
// prevent that final punct is sent
while (true) {
* The printStatement is a Custom operator
* It prints the output createSelect
() as printStatement = Custom(createSelect)
onTuple createSelect : printStringLn("statement " + (rstring)count + " " + statement) ;
* The getInstanceName is a JDBCRun operator
* It connects to the DB2 server via trusted SSL
* and get the instance name of running DB2 server
stream<rstring INST_NAME> getInstanceName = JDBCRun(createSelect)
jdbcDriverLib : $jdbcDriverLib ;
jdbcClassName : $jdbcClassName ;
jdbcUrl : $jdbcUrl ;
jdbcUser : $jdbcUser ;
jdbcPassword : $jdbcPassword ;
statement : "select INST_NAME from SYSIBMADM.ENV_INST_INFO" ;
sslConnection : true ;
// trustStore specifies the path to the trustStore key.
trustStore : $trustStore ;
// trustStorePassword specifies the password for the trustStore given by the trustStore parameter.
// The sslConnection parameter must be set to true.
trustStorePassword : $trustStorePassword;
* The printInstanceName is a Custom operator
* It prints the SQL results from getInstanceName
() as printInstanceName = Custom(getInstanceName)
onTuple getInstanceName : printStringLn("DB2 Insatnce Name " + INST_NAME) ;