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Table is a C++ project that provides functionality for managing and evaluating a table of cells. The cells can contain plain text or formulas that reference other cells to perform arithmetic calculations.

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Table is a C++ project that provides functionality for managing and evaluating a table of cells. The cells can contain plain text or formulas that reference other cells to perform arithmetic calculations. The project uses a simple expression parser and evaluator to process the formulas and display results in a tabular format.


  • iostream: Input/output stream library.
  • string: String library.
  • string_view: String view library.
  • variant: Variant library for handling different types.
  • FormulaAST.h: Header file containing the formula abstract syntax tree.
  • cell.h: Header file containing the CellInterface class.
  • common.h: Header file containing common utility functions.
  • formula.h: Header file containing formula-related functions.
  • test_runner_p.h: Header file for the test runner.


To use the Table project, you should include the necessary header files in your C++ application:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <variant>
#include "FormulaAST.h"
#include "cell.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "formula.h"
#include "test_runner_p.h"

The project provides the following functionalities:

  1. Managing Cells:

    • CellInterface: Represents a single cell in the table. It can contain plain text or formulas. Supports setting, getting, and clearing cell values.
    • CreateSheet(): Creates a new sheet containing cells.
  2. Formula Evaluation:

    • ParseFormula(): Parses a formula expression and returns a pointer to the parsed formula.
    • Formula::Evaluate(): Evaluates a formula and returns the result.
  3. Expression Formatting:

    • ParseFormula(): Parses a formula expression and returns a pointer to the parsed formula.
    • Formula::GetExpression(): Formats a parsed formula expression for display.
  4. Error Handling:

    • The project supports various error categories, such as FormulaError::Category::Value and FormulaError::Category::Div0, which indicate errors during formula evaluation.


Here are some examples of how to use the Table project:

Managing Cells

auto sheet = CreateSheet();
sheet->SetCell("A1"_pos, "Hello");
sheet->SetCell("A2"_pos, "=1+2");

Formula Evaluation

auto sheet = CreateSheet();
sheet->SetCell("A1"_pos, "2");
sheet->SetCell("A2"_pos, "3");
auto result = std::get<double>(ParseFormula("A1+A2")->Evaluate(*sheet));
std::cout << result; // Output: 5

Expression Formatting

std::string expr = "2 + 2*2";
auto formattedExpr = ParseFormula(expr)->GetExpression();
std::cout << formattedExpr; // Output: 2*2+2

Error Handling

auto sheet = CreateSheet();
sheet->SetCell("A1"_pos, "=1/0");
auto result = sheet->GetCell("A1"_pos)->GetValue();
if (std::holds_alternative<FormulaError>(result)) {
    std::cout << "Error: " << std::get<FormulaError>(result).ToString();


The project includes a test suite to ensure the correctness of its functionalities. To run the tests, use the provided test_runner_p.h header file and execute the test functions.

#include "test_runner_p.h"

int main() {
    TestRunner tr;
    RUN_TEST(tr, TestPositionAndStringConversion);
    RUN_TEST(tr, TestPositionToStringInvalid);
    // Add more test functions here if needed
    return 0;

Dear team,

Thank you for the excellent C++ development course. It was engaging, informative, and provided me with valuable skills. Grateful for the opportunity to learn with you.


Table is a C++ project that provides functionality for managing and evaluating a table of cells. The cells can contain plain text or formulas that reference other cells to perform arithmetic calculations.




