Ticket selling platform is an application for buying tickets for different events. Allows to choose seats in different standards (regular, premium and vip), pay for them and check reservations details.
To run app you need to have python 3 installed. Then you can use virtual enviroment to install additional requirements or just install them on your system.
If you do not want to use virtual enviroment just skip this steps. But if you want, firstly install virtualenv with pip:
$ pip install virtualenv
Then in repository directory create virtual enviroment with use:
$ virtualenv env
To activate enviroment on linux system enter:
$ source env/bin/activate
and for windows system:
> env\Scripts\activate
After that you are ready to install requirements
Application just need django framework and django-paypal library to be installed. Use requirements.txt file to install that. In repository directory run:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Now we are ready to run our server. Go to ticket_selling_platform/ directory and then run:
$ python manage.py runserver
Default port for localhost server is 8000, but you can use customize it. For example to run server on 7000 port you should use:
$ python manage.py runserver 7000
After that go to (or if you use port 7000) in your web browser. The application is almost ready to use...
For integration with paypal (receiving IPN - instatnt payment notification) application must be publicly accessible. It can be done with use of ngrok, which create secure URL for localhost server just with one commend.
Firstly open ngrok.exe and then use this commend to create tunel:
> ngrok http 8000
replace 8000 with your port number if you do not use default one.
Go to repository directory and just run:
$ ./ngrok http 8000
replace 8000 with your port number if you do not use default one.
And thats all. Now the app can receive paypal notifications.
Remember to use URL form ngrok to make payments (for example http://104f3ae4.ngrok.io), otherwise IPN signals will be not received.
To try payment you can use following fictitious account:
- login: customer1test@email.com
- password: Customer