To use this code you need have the directories into CodeCuts:
- TABLES, You must create this dir, into this dir you must create ListTables dir, next to this put the tables of polarization list into TABLES dir
- Tables, it has the polarization tables
- ListTables, it has the list of polarization tables
- SKIMS, in this dir you must put the skims PARA and PERP
- PARA and PERP skims with the form include/DataEvent.h
Finally run the script
- CodeCuts.h In this file you can change all kinds of cuts and make all physics process, also fill the histograms
- Histograms.h In this file you can declare and define the histograms, also you can make the canvas
- Libraries.h In this file, you can put all kinds of #includes
- Codigo.C This file is only for compile
To compile you need the version ROOTv6, and you can do it with two diffetent forms:
- root -l -t -b Codigo.C, "-t" active the number of cores that your pc has, and "-b" do it in the background (it doesn't show the graphics, but save them)
- root -l Codigo.C This option would do if you have a good RAM
There are three particles in each event. The first particle is a proton, the second is a positive kaon and the third is a negative pion, You can access the following info
- TLorentzVector getEVNT_track(int i){return loc_EVNT_track->at(i);} //TLorentzVector for proton (i=0) kaon (i=1) and negative pion (i=2). The TlorentzVector has the nominal masses of the tracks.
- int getEVNT_q(int i){return loc_EVNT_q->at(i);} //charge for track i
- int getEVNT_scsec(int i){return loc_EVNT_scsec->at(i);} //SC sector for track i
- int getEVNT_scpad(int i){return loc_EVNT_scpad->at(i);} //SC paddle for track i
- int getEVNT_schit(int i){return loc_EVNT_schit->at(i);} //SC hit for track i
- int getEVNT_stsec(int i){return loc_EVNT_stsec->at(i);} //ST sector for track i
- int getEVNT_sthit(int i){return loc_EVNT_sthit->at(i);} //ST hit for track i
- int getTAGR_eid(int i){return loc_tagr_eid->at(i);} //TAGR eid for photon i
- int getTAGR_tid(int i){return loc_tagr_tid->at(i);} //TAGR tid for photon i
- int getTAGR_stat(int i){return loc_tagr_stat->at(i);} //TAGR status for photon i
- int getSTPB_sthid(int i){return loc_STPB_sthid->at(i);} //STBP hitd for track i
- int getSCPB_ScPdHt(int i){return loc_SCPB_ScPdHt->at(i);} //SCBP ScPdHt for track i
- float getEVNT_bem(int i){return loc_EVNT_bem->at(i);} //beta measured for track i
- float getEVNT_sc_t(int i){return loc_EVNT_sc_t->at(i);} //sc time for track i
- float getEVNT_sc_d(int i){return loc_EVNT_sc_d->at(i);} //sc d for track i
- float getEVNT_st_t(int i){return loc_EVNT_st_t->at(i);} //st time for track i
- float getEVNT_st_d(int i){return loc_EVNT_st_d->at(i);} //st d for track i
- float getEVNT_sc_e(int i){return loc_EVNT_sc_e->at(i);} //sc energy for track i
- float getTAGR_epho(int i){return loc_tagr_epho->at(i);} //TAGR epho for photon i
- float getTAGR_tpho(int i){return loc_tagr_tpho->at(i);} //TAGR tpho for photon i
- int getNum_photons(){return loc_tagr_tpho->size();} //number of photons
- int getTrip_flag(){return loc_trip_flag;} //trip flag
- int getNumofpart(){return loc_numofpart;} //number of particles (including neutrals)
- int getNum_pos(){return loc_num_pos;} //number of positive
- int getNum_chargedtracks(){return loc_EVNT_track->size();} //number of charged
- int getNum_neg(){return loc_num_neg;} //number of negative
- int getNum_neu(){return loc_num_neu;} //number of neutrals
- int getHEAD_eventnum(){return loc_head_eventnum;} //HEAD event number
- int getHEAD_runnum(){return loc_head_runnum;} //HEAD run number
- int getNum_deuterons(){return loc_num_deuterons;} //number of deuterons
- int getNum_protons(){return loc_num_protons;} //number of protons
- int getNum_poskaons(){return loc_num_poskaons;} //number of postive kaons
- int getNum_pospions(){return loc_num_pospions;} //number of positive pions
- int getNum_negkaons(){return loc_num_negkaons;} //number of negative kaons
- int getNum_negpions(){return loc_num_negpions;} ////number of negative pions
- float getCoh_edge(){return loc_coh_edge;} //Coherent Edge from EPICS
- float getBeam_en(){return loc_beam_en;} //Beam energy from EPICS
- float getCoh_edge_nom(){return loc_coh_edge_nom;} //Nominal Coherent Edge
- int getCoh_plan_db(){return loc_coh_plan_db;} //Coherent plane from database
- int getCoh_radi(){return loc_coh_radi;} //Coherent radiator from EPICS
- int getCoh_plan(){return loc_coh_plan;} //Coherent radiator from EPICS
- float getDelt_t_k(int i){return loc_delt_t_k->at(i);} //Photon i coincidence time with kaon
- float getDelt_t_pi(int i){return loc_delt_t_pi->at(i);} //Photon i coincidence time with pion
- int getNumph_k(){return loc_numph_k;} //Number of photons within 1ns when looking at the photon-kaon coincidence time
- int getNumph_pi(){return loc_numph_pi;} //Number of photons within 1ns when looking at the photon-pion coincidence time
- int getIndex_k(int i){return loc_index_k->at(i);} //Photon index when sorted using the photon-kaon coincidence time
- int getIndex_pi(int ip){return loc_index_pi->at(i);} //Photon index when sorted using the photon-pion coincidence time. getIndex_pi(0) returns the photon position that produces the smallest coincidence time
- TLorentzVector getKpi_mm(int i){return loc_kpi_mm->at(i);} // 4-vector g n ->K+ pi- X
- TLorentzVector getK_mm(int i){return loc_k_mm->at(i);} // 4-vector g n ->K+ X
- TLorentzVector getPpi_mm(int i){return loc_ppi_mm->at(i);} // 4-vector g n ->p pi- X when kaon is given proton mass
- TLorentzVector getPipi_mm(int i){return loc_pipi_mm->at(i);} // 4-vector g n ->pi+ pi- X when kaon is given pion mass
- TLorentzVector getDKppi_mm(int i){return loc_d_kppi_mm->at(i);} // 4-vector g d ->p K+ pi- X
- TLorentzVector getDKp_mm(int i){return loc_d_kp_mm->at(i);} // 4-vector g d ->p K+ X
- TVector3 getEVNT_vertex(int i){return loc_EVNT_vertex->at(i);} //EVNT vertex of i track
- TVector3 getMVRT_vertex(){return *loc_MVRT_vertex;} //MVRT vertex
- int getNextEntry();
- int getEntry(){return eventno;}
- int getEntries();