🌱 I’m currently learning Ruby on Rails, Nodejs, Java, TypeScript
💬 Ask me about HTML, CSS, React, JavaScript, Flutter
📫 How to reach me aliyunus291@gmail.com
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🌱 I’m currently learning Ruby on Rails, Nodejs, Java, TypeScript
💬 Ask me about HTML, CSS, React, JavaScript, Flutter
📫 How to reach me aliyunus291@gmail.com
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Eventify is a Full-stack web application. that makes easier to post, reserve and delete events on a click of button. This is the Backend(API) of the System.
This application fetches a list of movies from the Yts Movie API and displays them on the homepage. The user is able to like any of the movies, and also read more about each movie once he clicks on…
JavaScript 6
Space Traveler's website was built with real live data from the SpaceX API. The application provides commercial and scientific space travel services that allow users to book rockets and join select…