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Iberia LAE

Innersource products, projects and samples from Iberia

Hi, this is us 👏

This is the IBERIA L.A.E. ✈️ Organization for accounts where Iberia's businesses can collaborate across many projects at once. Owners and administrators can manage member access to the organization's data and projects.

Multiple user accounts can collaborate on shared projects by joining the same organization account, which owns the repositories.

🏢 Onboarding

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👪 Contributing

Organizations worldwide are incorporating open source methodologies into the way they build and ship their own software.

Adopting this modern approach to software development can be transformative enabling collaboration and fostering the creation of high quality code. But understanding the principles, and potential challenges, is critical to success.

We are proud 🎊 to have you as part of our team where we are a collaborative community of engineers building proprietary software using best practices from large-scale open source projects following our own innersource.

📚 SwE Metamodel

Applying incremental delivery, documentation as code, software engineering architecture and open source methodologies like InnerSource, next is the "SwE Metamodel" that guides our approach and progresses.

Ready to learn more about the different elements? Expand me to find out more.

Software Principles

Its objectives are to guide engineers, help them to make decisions aligned with our thinking, also to share our principles with colleagues beyond our Technical Profession (business, users, customers...) to help them understand why we make the decisions that we do. Software Principles repository.

Cultural Manifest

We need to define a set of values and behaviours that we want to promote in our organization. Cultural Manifest repository

Software Standards

We need to enable interoperability between different systems and components created by different developers and to encourage common practices and standardized conventions. Software Standards repository.

  • Innersource Standards: Repository that explain the way to start working in projects at Iberia organization using our innersource.
  • Workflows Standards: In this repository you can find how to work with workflows, naming convention and some commons workflows.
  • Aws Standards: In this repository you can find the accounts types and how to create AWS accounts.
  • Runners Standards: In this repository you can find how to work with your self-hosted runners, naming convention and how create a new one.
  • Actions Standards: In this repository you can find how to work with actions, naming convention and some commons actions.
  • Terraform Standards: In this repository you can find how to work with terraform, naming convention, workflows defined and some commons terraform modules.
  • Templates Standards: In this repository you can find how to work with templates, naming convention, how create a new one and some commons templates.
  • Delivery Journey Model Standards: In this repository you can find the delivery journey model for legacy applications and new products.

Reference Architecture

Following the previously defined framework, principles and standards, we define our High Level Reference Architecture for each business domain. We stablish a common development, infrastructure and execution architecture (high level).

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Best Practices

Source of True and best practices in a specific technology gathered from experiences, "trial and error” and official documentation research, ready-to-adopt.

Find an example of this type of repository.

Getting Started

Starting projects for a specific technology, focusing on Best Practises with integrated examples ready-to-use. You don’t need to start from scratch.

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Find more information about how to create a repository follownig this model in repository section.

📫 Support

General problems on Git or GitHub usages can be asked to Github Support. Questions or doubts in Github Community or contact with your technical lead or product owner.

Popular repositories Loading

  1. .github .github Public

    Repository that contain information of Iberia LAE organization.

    6 5

  2. software-engineering--roles-definition software-engineering--roles-definition Public

    Roles definition, career path and job descriptions

    6 4


Showing 2 of 2 repositories
  • software-engineering--roles-definition Public

    Roles definition, career path and job descriptions

    Iberia-Ent/software-engineering--roles-definition’s past year of commit activity
    6 4 0 0 Updated Jan 30, 2025
  • .github Public

    Repository that contain information of Iberia LAE organization.

    Iberia-Ent/.github’s past year of commit activity
    6 5 0 1 Updated May 3, 2024


This organization has no public members. You must be a member to see who’s a part of this organization.

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