-- Developed a math game while following the isntruction from coding artist on youtube and I hope to develop a better user experience and interfaces in the future. The game accepts user input which might be a number or three math operators which are "*", "+", "-". If the user input the right answer the game will give a yippie message and the user can restart the game again. if the answer is wrong , the game will give a opps message, the user can also restart the game again.
- Javascript
- Generating random questions
- Changing error message displayed for the user
- Better use of event listeners
- Passing of props and messages
- Random questions generated
- Login page
- Sign up page
- User scores will be accumulated
- User will have a number of attempts before game over
- Points and coins will be won
- User with the highest score will be celebrated on the social media page
- Other Contributions too...