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Row Pinning

Maya edited this page Oct 16, 2020 · 43 revisions

Row Pinning Specification


  1. Overview
  2. User Stories
  3. Functionality
  4. ARIA support
  5. Assumptions and Limitations
  6. References
  • Konstantin Dinev | Date:
  • Radoslav Mirchev | Date: April 14, 2020
  • Stefan Ivanov | Date:

Revision History

Pinned Rows are visible all the time. Vertical scrolling is applied to the rest of the rows.

Version User Date Notes
0.1 Stamen Stoychev February 19, 2020 API draft
0.2 Stamen Stoychev February 20, 2020 Integration scenarios
0.3 Stefan Ivanov March 2, 2020 Finalizing user stories and UI
0.4 Stamen Stoychev April 3, 2020 Ghost rows finalization
0.5 Stefan Ivanov April 6, 2020 Updating design with action strip
0.6 Stamen Stoychev April 7, 2020 Updating Paging integration and chip
0.7 Stamen Stoychev April 13, 2020 Selection changes
0.8 Radoslav Mirchev April 14, 2020 Sign Off


Allows a user to pin one or more rows to the top or bottom of the grid in a similar fashion to how Excel allows freezing the first few rows of a spreadsheet e.g. end-users can pin rows via the UI and developers can configure this through the API.

As an end-user:

  • Story 1: I want to pin a row to the top/bottom of the grid to make it visible all the time, even when scrolling.
  • Story 2: I want to unpin a row to remove it from the area at the top/bottom of the grid, which will enable the record in the scrollable grid body.
  • Story 3: I want to have a clear and consistent-with-pinned-columns visual indication in order to differentiate pinned from unpinned rows.
  • Story 4: I want to select several rows and pin them all at once - application scenario achievable via row selection and a grid toolbar button.

As a developer:

  • Story 1: I want to programmatically pin/unpin rows by their identifier.
  • Story 2: I want to have an out of the box experience for pinning rows via an action strip with predefined row pinning action.

Acceptance criteria

  1. Programmatically pin rows ...

3.1. End-User Experience

Initially, no columns or rows are pinned and when the user hovers over any row, it shows and action strip for the row and lets the user click on the pin action.

A row that shows pin action in a strip upon hover

Once a row is pinned in a similar fashion it is possible to unpin rows via an action strip shown upon hovering over the rows in the pinned area. It is also possible to jump to the original ghost row in the scrollable area of the grid. When we have top pinning we should use "vertical_align_bottom" like is shown on the image below and when we have bottom pinning we should use "vertical_align_top".

A pinned row that shows unpin action likewise

Grids pin records in a special pin area at the top or bottom of the table body. The pin area cannot be scrolled and remains visible regardless of the scroll position of the main table body.

Top-pinned rows should appear below the headers (normal headers or row filter headers) and above the scrollable grid body.

Grid with top-pinned rows

Bottom-pinned rows should appear below the scrollable grid body and above the summary rows / pager.

Grid with bottom-pinned rows

Pinned records are interactive but leave a copy of themselves in the main body area that receives editing updates and selection styles (when its pinned counterpart is interacted with) but cannot be edited themselves by the end-user. Their main purpose is to allow expanding/collapsing when the grid view supports hierarchy (igxHierarchicalGrid, igxTreeGrid, igxGrid with Master-detail visualization). Pinned records do not display expand/collapse icons.

  • igxTreeGrid

    Tree Grid with Row Pinning

  • igxHierarchicalGrid

    Hierarchical Grid with Row Pinning

The empty space between the Pinning chip component in the ghost row and the cell text is 4px for compact grids,8px for cosy grids, and 12px for comfortable grids i.e. it varies by the grid display density.

Pinned rows display contextual UI allowing end-users to find the pinned row's disabled copy in the main table body area.

A row that shows pin action in a strip upon hover

3.2. Integration with other features

  • When there is filtering applied, if a row does not match the criteria specified it will not be shown in the pinned rows area.

  • When sorting is applied on a given column, it affects the pinned and the unpinned rows independently as if they are two separate collections of records.

  • The pinned rows order should come either according to the order of pinning or via manipulating it thought the API.

  • Row pinning is also agnostic of row templates including the use of multi-row layouts.

  • Grouping is not applied on the pinned records collection, however, the pinned records ghost rows remain in their appropriate groups.

  • Paging ignores pinned rows. If the pageSize is e.g. 5 and there are 2 pinned records the total amount of records visible to the user for that page would be 7, the pager shows a page size of 5 and the total amount of pages is the same as though there were no pinned records (as the records are still displayed as disabled copies in the paged content).

  • It should be possible to drag pinned rows e.g. from a grid to a list in a similar fashion to how the drag directive normally works.

  • Exporting to MS Excel ignores pinning and exports the grid as if no rows are pinned

An action strip provides the default UI for pinning rows because they don't own specific UI to be pinned by default. It's up to the developer to decide if the default UI for row pinning is enabled for end-users. Otherwise pinning will be exclusive to API calls.

By default, rows are always pinned one after the other (the second pinned appears under the first pinned one) regardless of the pinning position.

3.3. Developer Experience

Nothing specific is required by the developer to allow row pinning. The grid exposes API that allows pinning/unpinning a row by its id that always works. Additionally, where the row is pinned is controlled with the pinning input with the following signature:

export interface IPinningConfig {
    columns?: ColumnPinningPosition;
    rows?: RowPinningPosition;
    // P2
    rowsUI: boolean

pinning: IPinningConfig;

Where RowPinningPosition is an enumeration with two options - RowPinningPosition.Top (default) and RowPinningPosition.Bottom.

Rows are pinned and unpinned using the pinRow and unpinRow methods respectively, exposed in grid-base.directive therefore available for all grid variants. Similar to the column counterparts, the row directive has pin and unpin methods that are used under the hood, as well as pinned getter/setter for maximum flexibility to the user. Pin method accept an optional index parameter. Controlling the index using the other methods of pinning is done through the onRowPinning output insertAtIndex argument.

export interface IPinRowEventArgs extends IBaseEventArgs {
    row: IgxRowDirective<T>;
    insertAtIndex: number;
    isPinned: boolean;

public onRowPinning = new EventEmitter<IPinRowEventArgs>();

Feature integration

Pinned rows are rendered outside igxFor's display container and instead use ngFor as a structural directive. The collection passed to ngFor contains actual record references, while the igxFor collection includes special objects that refer to those records but can be recognized as copies for templating and functionality purposes. Not all pipes run for the pinned records collection. The list below details the exact behavior for affected features.

  1. gridTransaction - runs separately on both collections
  2. visibleColumns - runs on a combined collection
  3. gridFiltering - runs separately on both collections
  4. gridSort - runs separately on both collections (both pinned and unpinned columns should be sorted based on the expressions)
  5. gridGroupBy - runs only on the unpinned rows collection (pinned rows should not show group by rows)
  6. gridPaging - runs only on the unpinned collection
  7. gridSummary - global summaries run on the original data, group by ones run on the group again with the original collection
  8. gridDetails - runs only on the unpinned collection. Master rows that are pinned leave ghost copies which can be expanded/collapsed.

Ghost row specific integration and remarks

The ghost row is a disabled copy of a pinned one that appears in its original place in the scrollable area of the grid. It may be expanded if it is part of a hierarchical structure but cannot be directly edited (it may still be selected or participate in range selection). It is decorated with disabled style and a specific template is inserted in its first data cell, regardless of whether it has user-specified template or not (similar to how expanders are added for the expand/collapse tree cells). By default this template contains a chip with the text "Pinned". The template is available for user override through the IgxPinnedIndicatorTemplateDirective.

<ng-template igxPinnedIndicatorTemplate>
    <igx-icon role="icon" fontSet="material">lock</igx-icon>

As the pinned record is rendered once in the pinned area with no expander, and once in the unpinned area as a disabled row, there are specific integrations scenarios associated with the duplication of the row:

  • Updating (with transactions)
    • The disabled copy row is not editable. Only the pinned row can enter edit mode.
    • Any changes applied via the pinned row should also be reflected to its copy placeholder in the unpinned area (when edited, deleted etc.).
    • Pending transaction styles are applied to both the record and its disabled copy.
    • Added rows should allow pinning and should also create a copy.
  • Row Selection
    • When the actual pinned row is selected, then the copy placeholder row is also marked as selected and vise versa.
    • As row selection creates ranges with rowIds selecting a range in the pinned area between two pinned records would select the whole range in the scrollable area between these records.
    • API functions that return selected records only return one instance of a selected records that is also pinned.
  • Cell Selection
    • Cells in the disabled copy row are selectable and can be selected via keyboard/drag select etc.
    • Cells for both the pinned row and its disabled counterpart participate in the result of the getSelectedData method.
  • Filtering
    • Both pinned and unpinned rows are filtered based on the condition. The disabled copy rows are displayed in the filtering result if they match the filtering criteria.
  • Search
    • Search should mark results from both the pinned and unpinned area as separate results and should allow navigating between them (with findNext/findPrev API).

3.3. Globalization/Localization

Describe any special localization requirements such as the number of localizable strings, regional formats

3.4. User Interface

The UI for row pinning is exposed through the IgxActionStrip component that allows for a contextual overlay showing actions for a row or cell. The IgxGridPinningActions component is available for usage in the action strip and exposes the most common pinning actions as long as the action strip is initialized in a row context.

<igx-grid [data]="data" [autoGenerate]="true" #grid1>
    <igx-grid-pinning-actions [grid]="grid1"></igx-grid-pinning-actions>

The pinning actions UI may be shown in a dropdown menu as well. This is done by setting the asMenuItems property of the IgxGridPinningActions component. More information is available in the IgxGridActionStrip specification.

The default actions are as follows:

  • For unpinned rows:
    • Pin row
  • For pinned rows:
    • Unpin row
    • Find in scrollable area

NOTE P2 Feature: the default action strip should be available with pinning actions if the user sets rowsUI: true in the pinning configuration object.

3.5. Navigation

Navigation with the keyboard works similar to how navigating from and to the pinned area with column selection does, i.e. the pinned area navigation order is based on its position (top/bottom) and once the active element has to jump to the scrollable area it always jumps on an element of the first/last row of that area even if the scrollable's area scroll should change to accommodate this.

3.6. API


Name Type Default value Valid values Description
pinning IPinningConfig { rows: RowPinningPosition.Top } Top / Bottom Controls the pinning direction as a configuration object for both rows and columns


Name Description Type
onRowPinning Emitted when a column is being pinned or unpinned IPinRowEventArgs


Name Parameters Return type Description
pinRow rowID: any, index?: number boolean Pins the row specified by PK or ref, at the chosen index (optional) and returns if the operation succeeded
unpinRow rowID: any, index?: number boolean Unpins the row specified by PK or ref, at the chosen index (optional) and returns if the operation succeeded

Note: unpinRow should not allow defining a custom index to unpin as we do not want to allow the user to change the original order of the data and pollute it. Unpinned row should go in its original location in the data.

ghost row - all gridcells from the ghost row should have the state: "aria-disabled" (state)

  • Excel export does not export pinned rows as Excel's frozen rows differ in purpose and behavior from igxGrid's pinned rows.

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