######Basic Commands of Git
#####To intiliaze the the Local Repo
1:) git init #to initialize the .git track folder or to start tracking
2:) git status #use to check the status of the current Branch.
3:) git add #is use for staging the files.
#*Before commiting Staging is necessary*
4:) git add . #Staging all the file exist in Repo but only the Tracked files.
5:) git add *.extension #for particular file.
6:) git commit ('i' commit 'esc;wq') #use to commiting but it is complex.
7:) git commit -m'commit' #use to commiting and easyway.
8:) git log #To check the commit history.
9:) touch filename.extension #used to create a new file.
10:) touch .gitignore #for creating a ignor file.
11:) git branch BranchName #use to create a new branch of Repo.
12:) git checkout BranchName #use to change branch.
13:) git merge Branch/sourceName #use command in Destiny where to merge the Branch.
14:) git commit -a -m'commit' #use to skip the stageing step.
15:) git stash #unfinished changes that can be reapply any time.
16:) git stash apply #for applying the changes.
17:) git clone URL #use to cloneing the remote Repo in the local Repo.
18:) git remote #to check the remote repo in the local.
19:) git remote -v #use to check the URL.
20:) git fetch origin #use to fetch the data from Remote Repo But not merge it we have to merge manually.
21:) git pull origin #use to same as fetching the data and it merge the data automatically.
22:) git push origin master #use to pushing the data from local Repo to Remote Repo.
create a new repository on the command line echo "# Menu-Project" >> README.md git init git add README.md git commit -m "first commit" git remote add origin https://github.com/Imsatis/Menu-Project.git git push -u origin master
push an existing repository from the command line git remote add origin https://github.com/Imsatis/Menu-Project.git git push -u origin master