- Task
- Description
- Class Diagrams
- Team Members
- Git Repo Link
- License
Our task is to design and implement obejct-oriented application by choice, following the best practices for OO design:
- Data encapsulation
- Exception handling properly
- Delegates and events
- Inheritance
- Abstraction and polymorphism
- Principles of strong cohesion and loose coupling
DeliverIT is a simple console application used for managing orders' delivery. The application has the following list of commands:
- Add client
- Adds client (sender or receiver) to list of clients
- Add courier
- Adds new courier to list of couriers
- Place order for client
- Places order for client in specified list of orders
- List all clients
- Shows all clients in list
- List all couriers
- Shows all couriers in list
- List all orders
- Shows all order in the list of orders
- List all delivery locations
- Shows all delivery location in each country
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details