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InjectionDev's LeagueSharp Assemblies

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  • DevBrand

    • SBTW Assembly
    • Ult Combo Logic
    • Ult when X enemies in R Range
    • Smart E usage on minions to harras (work in progress)
    • Skin Hack
    • Auto Spell Level UP
  • DevCassio

    • AntiGapCloser with R when LowHealth
    • Interrupt Danger Spell with R when LowHealth
    • LastHit E On Posioned Minions
    • Ignite KS
    • Menu No-Face Exploit (PacketCast)
    • Skin Hack
    • Show E Damage on Enemy HPBar
    • Assisted Ult
    • Block Ult if will not hit
    • Auto Ult Enemy Under Tower
    • Auto Ult if will hit X
    • Jungle Clear
    • R to Save Yourself, when MinHealth and Enemy IsFacing
    • Auto Spell Level UP
  • DevKarma

    • Logic with R+Q/R+W/R+E
    • Priorize Heal with R+W when LowHealth (with Slider)
    • Skin Hack
    • Shield/Heal Allies
    • Auto Spell Level UP
  • DevKogMaw

    • Chase Enemy After Death
    • R KillSteal
    • W/R Range based on Skill Level
    • Assisted Ult
    • Block Ult if will not hit
    • Cast E with Min Mana Slider
    • Barrier GapCloser when LowHealth
    • Skin Hack
    • Smart W usage
    • Jungle Steal Alert
    • Jungle Steal with R (Blue/Red/Dragon/Balron)
    • Auto Spell Level UP
  • DevLulu - Not Finished

    • Support Mode and AP Carry Mode with separated logic
    • E + Q Combo ! (Use enemy/ally/minion to hit target)
    • E/R Interrupt Spells
    • W Interrupt/Gapcloser
    • Skin Hack
    • Help Ally W/E/R
    • Auto Shield Ally (Evade integrated)
  • DevRyze

    • SBTW with Q/W/E/R
    • Wave/Jungle Clear
    • Harras/WaveClear with Min Mana Slider
    • Barrier GapCloser when LowHealth
    • Interrupt Spell with W
    • W Gapcloser
    • Skin Hack
    • Auto Spell Level UP
  • DevTwitch

    • R KillSteal 1 AA
    • E KillSteal
    • Ult logic to Kill when 2 AA + Item
    • Smart E Use - Try to stack max of passive before cast E (keeps track of Distance, Min/Max Stacks, BuffTime)
    • Min Passive Stacks on Harras/Combo with Slider
    • Skin Hack
    • Barrier GapCloser when LowHealth
    • Auto Spell Level UP


LeagueSharp Dev Series Assemblies






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