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pod 'ILABPopOver'

Demo Project

Clone the repo, run pod install in the demo project.


Using ILABPopOver is a fairly simple and straight forward affair. It works in two modes: as a modal dialog and as a popover similar to UIPopOverController or UIMenuController.

It is composed of two classes, the ILABPopOverViewController and the ILABPopOverView.

The ILABPopOverViewController is responsible for displaying the pop over view, while the ILABPopOverView simply renders the popup "balloon".

Using as Dialog

In dialog mode, the pop over will display your view in a modal popup:

- (IBAction)showDialogPopOver:(id)sender {
    [[ILABPopOverViewController sharedDialog] showAsDialog:dialogPopupView];

In the above example, the dialogPopupView is a UIView instance that you want to display as the main content view of your popup.

To dismiss the popup:

- (IBAction)dismissDialogTouched:(id)sender {
    [[ILABPopOverViewController sharedDialog] dismiss:^{

Using as Pop Over

In pop over mode, your view will be presented to the user as a balloon pop up.

- (IBAction)showPopOver:(id)sender {
    [[ILABPopOverViewController sharedPopOver] show:popupView fromView:(UIView *)sender];

In the above example popupView is the UIView instance you want to display as the main content view of the pop up.

To dismiss the popup:

- (IBAction)dismissDialogTouched:(id)sender {
    [[ILABPopOverViewController sharedDialog] dismiss:^{

Shared Instances

The ILABPopOverViewController has two static shared instances to simplify usage.

The sharedDialog static instance is the view controller for displaying an pop over as a dialog.

The sharedPopOver static instance is the view controller for displaying all other pop overs.

You should configure these instances on app launch to match whatever styles and behaviors are appropriate for your app.



Property Type Description
popOverView ILABPopOverView The ILABPopOverView the view controller displays
overlayColor UIColor The color to use for the overlay background
showOverlay BOOL Determines if the overlay is displayed or not
dismissOnBackgroundTap BOOL Dismiss the pop over when the background is tapped
showHighlight BOOL Determines if the view displaying the popup should be highlighted by masking it's frame out of the overlay background.
highlightPadding UIEdgeInsets The padding to apply to the highlight rectangle.
highlightCornerRadius CGFloat The corner radius for the highlight rectangle.
animateInSpeed NSTimeInterval The animation speed when displaying the popover.
animateOutSpeed NSTimeInterval The animation speed when dismissing the popover.
edgeGap CGFloat The amount of gap or margin between any edge of the popover and the screen.
overlayBlurEffect UIBlurEffect The blur effect to use for the overlay background.


Property Type Description
arrowSize CGSize The size of the popover's arrow
cornerRadius CGFloat The corner radius of the popover
popoverColor UIColor The color of the popover's background
blurEffect UIBlurEffect The blur effect to use for the pop over's background
contentInset UIEdgeInsets Content inset for the pop over


Popover is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.