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Persian Warriors

Francesco F edited this page Aug 1, 2017 · 2 revisions

PERSIAN TOKEN ICO Instructions & Tutorial

ICO Announcement

The ICO is now over thanks for your support. Coming soon Persian tokens on the exchange

Warriors Description

The Persian army engaged in the Battle of Thermopylae was one of the most feared armies of the ancient world. Through the might of the Persian warrios, King Xerxes I begin his Second Persian invasion of Greece. For centuries they were considered to be almost invincible on the battlefield, defeating any kind of fierce enemies.

The Persian army was created to be deployed on the first battle smart contract, they will engaged 300 Spartan Warriors

Technical Specification

1000 Persian warrior as a value of 1 BP as defined in the battle contract rules.

Contribute from any “Full” wallet:

This includes any wallet not using a smart-contract to store your balance. We've tested smart contract functions with Geth, Solidity, and MyEtherWallet. For any other wallet type, please either verify if it's using a smart-contract to handle your transactions/balance, OR to play it sade, use the "Execute a function" instructions below, and execute the "contribute" function to participate.

(do NOT use this method to send from a multi-sig contract, or any other contract based wallet. It will fail to work because of gas limits.)

It is important to include a minimum of 80,000 Gas with the transaction

  1. Send Ether to the ICO contract address in the amount you would like to contribute. ICO Contract Address: 0x163733bcc28dbf26B41a8CfA83e369b5B3af741b
  2. Remember to include at least 80,000 gas with the transaction. Some wallets (such as Parity) should automatically detect the correct amount. But others may detect the default (such as 21,000) and if you send without increasing this, the tx will fail!
  3. You will be awarded balance based on your contribution, and can continue to send additional transactions in the future.
  4. At any time you can check your balance, using the steps below
  5. At ICO completion, execute the “claimToken()” function on the contract, which will send your PRS tokens to the same address you used to send your contribution.

If you are using a contract, or a multi-sig wallet, or any other contract based wallet, you must instead execute the “contribute” function on the contract, sending along with it the amount of ETH you wish to contribute. Otherwise all of the above steps still apply.

To Execute a Function on the ICO Contract:

Note If you are executing any function which returns a value of "Tokens" it will return the "raw" number of PRS tokens, which must be divided by 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 in order to get the "Actual" number of PRS tokens. (PRS tokens have 18 decimal) eg: 197,321,000,000,000,000,000,000 = 197.321 PRS

For Parity Users:

  1. Access the Parity Web UI
  2. If you don't have a "Contracts" tab, go to the "Settings" tab, and check the box to enable it.
  3. Go to the Contracts Tab
  4. Click the +Watch Button
  5. Choose “Custom Contract” and click Next
  6. Paste the following address into the “network address” field: 0x163733bcc28dbf26B41a8CfA83e369b5B3af741b
  7. Type in “PersianTokenICO” In the “contract name” field
  8. Type a description such as "Persian Token ICO Contract" in the description field
  9. Paste the ABI code from the section below into the ABI field. (note you can select it easily in chrome by tripleclicking in the text field with the ABI below)
  10. Click the "add contract" button
  11. Now the contract will appear in your list of saved contracts. You can click on it to view all of the functions which can be read or queried without requiring a transaction, such as the "isICOOpen", "isICOEnded", "estimateBalanceOf", "balanceOf" functions.
  12. If you wish to execute a function requiring a transaction such as "contribute" or "claimToken" you will need to click on the "Execute" button near the top of the page.
  13. Then click the address you wish to execute the function from
  14. And choose the function you wish to execute from the dropdown list

For myEtherWallet

  1. Access your myEtherWallet account (note if you don't have a wallet, follow this tutorial to create a wallet: )
  2. Once you have accessed your wallet, you can navigate to the "Contracts" tab
  3. Insert0x163733bcc28dbf26B41a8CfA83e369b5B3af741b in "Contract Address"
  4. Paste the ABI code from the section below into the "ABI / JSON Interface"
  5. Click the "Access" button. This will open the "Read/Write Contract" section below, with a "Select a Function" dropdown.
  6. You can now select the function you wish to execute using the dropdown, and it will either show you the value of the query (for example if you check isICOOpen, it will return "True" or "False") or it will present you with a "Write" button.
  7. Click the "Write" button, and it will prompt you any variables to provide, and an amount of ether to send. So for example if you are calling "Contribute" you can send in Ether this way to contribute to the ICO.
  8. If you wish to check the balance of a contributor, choose balanceOf function, and provide the address you want to check.

ICO Contract Function Description:

Variable/Function Purpose
name The official name of the smart contract
icoStartBlock The Block Number at which the ICO officially begins accepting contributions
icoEndBlock The Block Number at which the ICO is officially over
totalSupply The official Number of Persian Token generated by the contract
isICOOpen Boolean (True or False) is the ICO open ?
isICOEnded Boolean (True or False) is the ICO over ?
contribute() send in contribution (send ETH along with execution)
estimatedBalanceOf Returns the number of Token Balance that could be held for account during ICO is open
balanceOf Returns the number of Token Balance held for account
redeemEther This function is called by the smart contract owner to pay out the Creator

Contract ABI
