Companion panel to Bodymovin' and Joystick N' Sliders for rigging vector characters and optimizing workflow throughout.
- Create detailed schematic notes for selectron.
- Graveyard deprecated code to
UI revamp > Finish grid outline and placementUI revamp > Rebuild as vue components- Kickstart > Detect comp as riggable and prompt for kickstart
Kickstart > Convert AI layers to vector, strip "Outlines" and delete originals.Kickstart > Discover related layers via dynamic keywords and auto-assign matching color labels.Kickstart > Lock and dim nullification layers like background.- Kickstart > Generate master control and link all corresponding fill/stroke colors to master color controls.
- Kickstart > Identify rig layers and separate from character art layers.
- Kickstart > Approximate anchor placement for all limbs and assign parenting hierarchy up logical keyword trees (hand > arm > shoulders(controller) > body)
Tags > Detect common tags in layer names for limb and direction.Tags > Sort layer color labels by scoped number of common tags and type (limb/direction).Selection > Reactive selection length and change detectionSelection > Identify if selection has single tags like 'Brow' or 'Pupil' for corresponding Rig Recipe.Selection > Generate total unique tag list within currently selected layer names.Selection > Refactor to fix selection not changing when total length is unchanged. (1 > 1)Selection > Refactor to determine if target should be Layers, Properties, or Items.Selection > Prompt Rig Recipe components.- Rig Recipe > If exist, detect if character art style is line or solid.
- Rig Recipe > Auto-rig pupils within eye bounds and set keyframes for Joystick.
- Rig Recipe > Auto-rig brows for blinking and generic sad/mad/flat Slider keyframes.
- Rig Recipe > Prompt doubling of strokes with Trim Path slider to create sleeves on line-art arms and legs.
- Buddy > Generate controllers [square, circle, gaze, pin, bone] as new shape layers via toolbar button on click.
- Buddy > If currently selected, display debugging information, links and UI prompts for adding presets.
- Buddy > Scan selected layers to generate color controls for all distinct colors within shape fills/stroke, replacing with expressions to single sources on Buddy.
- Buddy > Scan selected layers to generate transform controls and inject related expression references.
- Buddy > Scan selected properties, detect what expression control is needed and parse all matching property lists into corresponding expression control on Buddy
- Find/Replace options for all layer, property names and expression references.
- JnS > Detect all Joystick Origins and Nulls in comp, create Joystick[x,y] list.
- JnS > Rename Slider Controls within Sliders to match corresponding target path.
- JnS > Reset all Joysticks and/or Sliders to [0,0].
- JnS > Style Joysticks to fills and delete dashed stroke, replace white null with shape layer and expression references to shape layer.
- BM > Auto-detect and warn of common errors.
- BM > Scan to find no-class Fills/Strokes.