Repository for PHANTOM developed as part of the masters thesis
Characterising Software Development Projects based on git commit data and static code analysis -- A case study of open source GitHub projects
of Joshua Jungen and Peter Pickerill at Chalmers University of Technology.
The following steps are tested on Ubuntu 17.10. To correctly setup the project follow this guide step by step.
The following packages are required to setup the project.
Run the following command to install rust. Follow the installation guide and choose the default installation.
$ curl -sSf | sh
Run the following command to make use of cargo in the current shell.
$ source ~/.cargo/env
(For a permanent use of cargo in the command line make sure to add ~/.cargo/bin to your path.)
Next, clone the project to your machine and change your directory to the top folder.
$ git clone
$ cd ProjectAnalyser
There are several lines in the project in the file which allow for some configuration;
$ const THREAD_POOL_SIZE:usize = 3;
$ const PROJECTS_FILE:&str = "projects.csv";
$ const LOGS_FOLDER:&str = "/home/pa2/project_downloader/git_log";
Specifies how many projects should be downloaded at the same time (each download is in one thread); Note: there is a limit at which you will be throttled by GitHub, so if you are using that as your repository source you should put this number as low as possible. If it is from another service (such as an internal repository store) then setting this higher will speed up the process.
Specifies where the file containing the repositories which the program will clone. It will be read (line by line) until all the repositories have been downloaded
Specifies the folder where the git logs will be copied to after the respository is downloaded.
You can avoid deleting the downloaded project after the git log is extracted by removing the following line from scripts/
$ rm -r $path_to_git
Be aware that with a large number of projects, this could be many terabytes of stored data and PHANTOM will start to error due to a lack of disk space to save the new projects.
To run the tool you need the following command;
$ cargo run --release
To get an executable to run later you need the following commands;
$ cargo build --release
$ cd ./target/release
The execuatable file should be called project_analyser in this folder (.exe extension for windows)