This project is a compiler for a toy language called c--, as the name suggests it is similar to C but a bit simplified. My plan is to iteratively add new features, but is very unlike that it ever goes from c-- to full c89 (or newer).
Note: This is strictly a hobby project and is not built to be used for production purposes
The language grammar expressed in EBNF:
// Functions
function -> prototype expr
prototype -> int identifier '(' (int identifier)* ')'
extern -> 'extern' prototype
// Expressions
expr -> primary_expr bin_expr
primary_expr -> identifier_expr | number_expr | parenthesis_expr
number_expr -> NUMBER
parenthesis_expr -> '(' expr ')'
identifier_expr -> identifier // variable
| identifier '(' expr* ')' // func call with comma separated arguments
// Binary expressions
bin_expr -> (bin_op primary_expr)* // left recursive
bin_op -> '+' | '-' | '*' | '<'
Handwritten recursive decent parser
Is currently planned to be written in llvm.
- Working compiler :-)
- Up-to-date readme
- Re-introduce handwritten parser and lexer