Hi! I am Ishan from India, currently pursuing MCA from VIT University, Vellore. I like to work in mobile development using Google's latest Flutter framework, I have been a tech enthusiast since i first saw a mobile phone and have been trying and learning software development technologies since.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Myself!
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Python, ML
Created in the times of need, PlasmaLead is a Plasma/Blood donation app which can help save lives by finding nearest blood/plasma donor or donating our blood/plasma to a person in need.
Designed using Adobe XD and created using Flutter and Firebase, PlasmaLead is a published app on Play Store having 🌟4.9 star rating
A Flutter based study toolkit consisting of important study tools such as pomodoro, to-do list etc.. Developed keeping in mind, the needs of students and people who need boosts in their productivity.
Study Toolkit is still under developement and will be released soon on play store!
A flutter-based feature rich cryptocurrency and its related news tracker with both android and web application.
CryptoTrack & News is still under developement and will be released soon on play store!