This is a POC project to learn how redux is integrated with Angular and RxJs.
todo style based on
lets start with some installation
npm install redux --save
npm install @angular-redux/store@^9 --save // for angular 6 or ^7 for angular 5
npm install redux-observable --save
Create a folder called store, this will be the main module for initializing redux.
Here is the store module:
const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware();
const initialState: AppState = {
todo: {
items: [
description: "add redux today",
id: "add redux today"
description: "some another todo",
id: "some another todo"
description: "last one",
id: "last one"
login: {
credentials: {
imports: [NgReduxModule],
providers: [
export class StoreModule {
constructor(private store: NgRedux<AppState>, private todoEpics: TodoEpics) {
const rootEpic = combineEpics(
const middelwares = [epicMiddleware]
const devMiddelwares = [...middelwares, createLogger()];
const prodMiddelwares = [...middelwares];
environment.production ? prodMiddelwares : devMiddelwares);
receiving 3 params:
1. root reducer
2. initial state
3. middlewares
the rootReducer
is a simple object, imported from reducers.ts
import { combineReducers, Reducer } from 'redux';
import { AppState } from "./models";
import todoReducer from "../todo-list/todo-list-state-management/reducer";
import loginReducer from "../login/login-state-management/reducer";
// reducers together into a given structure.
export const rootReducer: Reducer<AppState> = combineReducers({
todo: todoReducer,
login: loginReducer