Application to backup your files in a secure server encrypted with AES128 with a GUI and an API
Firstly, import the DumayCloud module and create a client object like this:
import DumayCloud
c = DumayCloud.Client()
If an error wan't raised, great! you're good to go! now you could use either:
c.login(yourusername, yourpassword)
c.signup(yourusername, yourpassword, youremail)
If signed up for a new acount, you will not be signed in automaticly, you will need to login.
Upload from your pc to the cloud:
you could upload a single file like this:
or upload multiple files at a time using:
c.upload([pathtofile, pathtofile2, pathtofile3, etc])
Download a file from your cloud file:, destination_folder_on_your_pc)
beaware that if the file dosen't exist you will be prompted with an exception.
Print your files in the cloud:
this will print your files sorted in the ABC order.
Delete a file from your cloud
Run a python file in the cloud without using any local resources
c.runPython(, output.txt=None)
The run python method recieves the .py file that is in the server, runs it without using any resources on your pc and than either prints the output to your console or saves the output to file(if you provided a path).
Run a linux command to organise your files to folders(ADVANCED)
you could use some linux commands like: mkdir
, mv
, rmdir
and much more using the following commands:
mkdir statnds for make directory, here is an example:
c.linuxCmd("mkdir catPhotos")
you could use mv for moving files to directories:
c.linuxCmd("mv cat.png catPhotos/")
or even use advanced mv options, like moving all the files with a certain extention to a folder:
c.linuxCmd("mv *.png catPhotos/")
To open the GUI version, run the module.