📌 Page that receives JSON data and displays it in the DOM
📌 Use JSONPlaceholder API
📌 Display each 'USER' in a table using jQuery
📌 When the user selects a 'USER' in the table, all the 'POSTS' that were created by that 'USER' will be displayed
API JSONPlaceholder
To have users use the /users resource provided by the JSONplaceholder API and to have posts use /posts
Phase where the system was executed and a verification of the above requirements was performed
📌 Page that receives JSON data and displays it in the DOM ✔️
📌 Use JSONPlaceholder API ✔️
📌 Display each 'USER' in a table using jQuery ✔️
📌 When the user selects a 'USER' in the table, all the 'POSTS' that were created by that 'USER' will be displayed ✔️
Watch the proyect => https://displayerpage.netlify.app/