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Cortex-M3 RTOS

  • preemptive,
  • priority-based,
  • statically linked.


Cortex-M3 RTOS project with preemtive and priority-based scheduler, delay functions, mutexes and many more functionalities.
RTOS project files are located under src/rtos folder.


  • preempting and priority-based scheduler,
  • delay functions,
  • mutexes.

To do:

  • semaphores,
  • queues,
  • messages,
  • etc.

Building from source

The RTOS is developed on a so-called "Bluepill" board with an STM32F103C8T6 microcontroller. Also, we are using Windows OS.
If you have some other microcontroller, you will need to change a few things (I will explain what you need to change if you have a different setup).

The project is using:

  • VS Code as an IDE,
  • GNU Make as a builder,
  • arm-none-eabi toolchain for the GCC and the GDB,
  • ST-Link as debugging probe,
  • and OpenOCD as a program flasher.

First and foremost, we consider that the user already installed the following programs:

  1. VS Code
  2. arm-none-eabi toolchain
  3. OpenOCD
  4. ST-Link drivers
  5. GNU Make

Next, follow the steps below:

  1. Open VS Code and go to File -> Open Folder and select root folder (where you have file)
  2. Install the following VS Code extensions:
  • ms-vscode.cpptools and
  • marus25.cortex-debug
  1. Restart VS Code
  2. Open .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json file
  3. Under "compilerPath" set path to point to arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe executable.
  4. Open .vscode/launch.json file
  5. Under "armToolchainPath" set paths to point to bin folder of the amr-none-eabi toolchain.
  6. Open .vscode/settings.json file
  7. Under "cortex-debug.armToolchainPath" provide a path to the bin directory of gcc-arm-none-eabi toolchain.
  8. Under "cortex-debug.openocdPath" provide path to openocd.exe executable.
  9. Open your favorite terminal and run GNU Make by executing make command. The project should build and the .hex, .bin, and .elf files should be located in the build directory.
  10. Connect Bluepill board with ST-Link and connect ST-Link with the PC.
  11. Go into the Run taskbar in VS Code (or press Ctrl + Shift + D) and press the green play button to run debug. The program should stop at the main function and you can now debug it.


Please look into Issues. Also if you need futher info or guidance, please do not hesitate to contact me at


MIT License