This small project tries to give an overview of templates in C++ and how they can be used. The following topics are introduced:
- Preprocessor (see 00_preprocessor)
- Templated classes (see 01_basics)
- Template parameter packs (see 01_basics)
- Non-type template parameters (see 01_basics)
- Template metaprogramming (see 02_metaprogramming)
- Template Concepts (see 03_concepts)
The following is currently missing:
- Documentation of each sub project with a small explanation
The project uses cmake1 to setup the build process. The different programs are added as executables, so the following steps can be used to build all executables:
# Create build folder
mkdir .build
# Step into newly created folder
cd .build
# Configure cmake
cmake ..
# Build using make
The commands are executed within the project folder.
To run the programs the executables can be found in their respective subfolder
in .build
or by running make test