Demo environment, using k3d and ArgoCD, to deploy Keda and a sample application.
git clone
cd ~/keda_demo
# Create a cluster with k3d, deploy argocd, deploy argocd applications and access the argocd dashboard
make apply
# Execute the publisher kubernetes job
kubectl apply -f k8s/apps/keda-demo/publisher/deploy-publisher-job.yaml
# Watch the hpa scaling
kubectl get hpa -w
# Clean up
make destroy
# Check makefile for more commands ;-)
k3d, make, docker-desktop
$ make apply
Be sure to wait until the deployment has completed before continuing.
Access the argocd dashboard and sync the keda-demo application.
✅ The keda-demo application is now synced.
Execute the publisher kubernetes job:
kubectl apply -f k8s/apps/keda-demo/publisher/deploy-publisher-job.yaml
Watch the hpa scaling:
kubectl get hpa -w