This project is inspired by Google keep and is not meant to be used as a real todo list app. I implemented the Vertical Slice Architecture: grouping everything related to a single action (business logic, data access, domain transfer objects,...) into one place. Each feature covers a vertical slice of the application. I think this architecture goes well in combination with the minimal Api.
DEMO: LOGIN (if you don't want to create a fake user account)
- user:
- password: 12345678
PWA Hosted on Heroku hobby dev, so the application will take between 10 and 20 seconds to load completely.
- Frontend:
- Vue 3 Composition API
- Pinia: Vue Store
- Windi CSS
- Typescript
- Backend:
- ASP.NET Core minimal web API
- PostgreSQL
- Dapper: object–relational mapping
On the Homepage you can leave a message and say hello.
Register with a fake email and login in order to create, modify and delete your personal todo lists.
npm run dev
dotnet watch run
To build the clientApp, run
npm run build
npm run postbuild (move dist foler to api wwwroot folder)
And you will see the generated file in dist
that ready to be served.
To build the API, run
dotnet build