Releases: JGCRI/hector
Minor update to the citation file for the v3 release.
This is the PR containing all of the developments post v2.5 release, it has been a large and lengthy process. Many developers have worked on this PR not limited to but including @bpbond, @leeyap, @skygering, @ashiklom, @dawnlwoodard, @pralitp. At least 73 peer-reviewed PRs were merged into this branch.
The major changes are noted in the News section of the online documentation and will be further documented in the Hector v3 manuscript that is currently in prep (final manuscript information to be added here after publication). Since the quality analysis was completed during each stage of development and for detailed questions, refer to the individual PR where the development was completed. The documentation included in this PR will provide some wholistic general information about Hector behavior changes and performance.
rcmip-tier1 Register Ftalbedo as input
Hector version 2.3.0
Hector version 2.2.2
- Fix bug that was causing requests for H2O forcing in the R interface
to return N2O forcing instead (the model internals were
unaffected). - Fix bug that was causing API requests for halocarbon forcing to
return absolute forcing values, rather than values relative to the
base year (which is what is done for all other forcings). - Add missing capability dependency in forcing component.
Hector version 2.2.0
- Add a new parameter: VOLCANIC_SCALE. This parameter adjusts the
strength of the response to volcanic forcing. (PR #291) - Add getname function to return the name of a Hector core.