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Releases: JaKooLit/Hyprland-Dots


26 Jun 08:37
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Since Vaxry released new Hyprland version, v0.41.2

I am bumping the released version as well.

Ideally, a new version bump higher would indicate a huge changes. But, due to that fact that Hyprland >v0.40 have huge changes, I think it is also right to follow through

I can see Arch and Fedora have now updated their hyprland, only thing left now is OpenSuse TW. However, I believe it will follow soon

Anyway, most of the changes is just for new Hyprland v0.41.2 . Nothing really major changes here
I have been busy as well for the past almost 3 weeks already so only small tweaks have made

anyway, here are the full change logs

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.2.14...v2.3


10 Jun 19:17
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With the release of much awaited Hyprland v0.41.0, I am releasing this version for just two main reasons

    1. This version will serve as latest compatible Hyprland Dots / configurations for Ubuntu 24.04, so this might be the end of it for Ubuntu 24.04
    1. This version will serve as "rest area" Dots for Debian Trixie.
      Explanation below
  • With the release of Hyprland v0.41.0, there are lots of changes in the settings in which older Hyprland versions are not compatible. ie, nvidia dropping env's for cursor, settings on cursor etc etc etc

  • For Ubuntu, this will be a likely "finish line" compatibility of dots because Ubuntu Repo has old version of wayland-protocols in which Hyprland >v0.39 wont build

  • a "rest area" for Debian Trixie because Hyprland V0.41.0 requires xcb-errors and xcb-errors are only available in Debian SID. I may create a separate branch on Debian-Hyprland repo for Debian SID but this is just my plan for now...

  • By the way, I am also disabling Pyprland for Debian and Ubuntu - It just not working well. Pyprland still installed by default but I just disabled through Startup_Apps.conf

Anyway, Diving to changes


  • not much, this is just more like a "tweaks" release
  • Added mp4 support for Rofi Beats
  • waybar style tweaks
  • Added a kill PID (SUPER SHIFT Q) - this kills the active window
  • Added a variable for the (SUPER E) to easily change a default editor. By default still nano
  • Kitty terminal background is now included in the dark-light theme switcher. (need to close and open kitty to take effect)
  • behaviour change. More robust for (unset) keyboard layout. NixOS set up properly (Polkit) :)
  • Updated Touchpad disabling script and configs
  • Update rofi beats to select user's choice thanks to @dazWiLLiE
  • Disable pyprland for Debian/ubuntu. This is via dpkg if present. This would mean also to its children.
Closing Thoughts
  • On Next release, I will concentrate on tweaking the Hyprland Settings. So this could be the end of version 2 and start version 3 of KooL's Hyprland-Dots and
  • And as always, take care always. Love from 🇰🇷 & 🇵🇭 :)

Here are the beautiful people who express their love by buying me coffee via Buymecoffee and,Github sponsorship and Youtube

Thank you very much.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.2.13...v2.2.14


05 Jun 10:43
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v2.2.13-1 HOTFIX!

-automatic wallpaper now disabled by default. you can still enable it by editing ~/.config/hypr/UserConfigs/Startup_Apps.conf
-added mp4 for rofi-beats
-return of env = WLR_NO_HARDWARE_CURSORS,1 for nvidia as it seems to only applied to hyprland-git or newer than hyprland v0.40.0

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.2.13...v2.2.13-1


03 Jun 17:56
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And so the tweaking never ends :)

  • On this release, its mostly tweaking with a great addition called Wallpaper Effects which I will mention at the end. You need to Imagemagick v7 or newer

Here are the changelogs

  • some updates on WindowRules.conf
  • updated media keybinds so will still work even lockscreen is active
  • Change backup behaviour of to prevent creating multiple backups for wallpapers. Right now will just overwrite ~/Pictures/wallpapers. Huge thanks to @dwilliams62 (Ddubs from Discord) for this heads up.
  • remove WLR_NO_HARDWARE_CURSORS for nvidia (deprecated) - See NVIDIA - option still there and will activate if VM detected.
  • added cursor section on Hyprland Settings ~/.config/hypr/UserConfigs/UserSettings.conf
  • added hyprcursor support through cursor section above


cursor and hyprcursor only for Hyprland v0.41.0 and newer

  • added GDK_scale on ENVariables.conf (disabled by default. Useful for those who use monitor-scaling)
  • added waybar style - Wallust Box style
  • corrected waybar module hyprland/workspaces#rw to not show special
  •; wallpaper wont be backup anymore but rather just overwrite existing wallpapers
  • added error sound if screenshot is not saved
  • Added wallpaper effects. Inspired from ML4W - Super Shift W keybind. Below are some samples.
  • More wallpaper effects contributed. Thanks to @S4NKALP

So wallpaper effects 👀

  • Inspiration comes from Stephan Raabe (ML4W) on his recent hyprland video release. So quickly peak into his dots, have gone through on Imagemagick command line tools, and implemented it
  • Oh and the initial wallpaper was one of the effects :) (Edge Detect)
  • To launch the wallpaper effects options (SUPER Shift W)
  • This cool effects requires Imagemagick 7. Debian and Ubuntu users, you need to update your ImageMagick software. I have already edited the Debian-Hyprland and Ubuntu-Hyprland so you just need to download and install using this procedure
  • After updating repo. cd Debian or Ubuntu - Hyprland. execute this command ./install-scripts/ . Again DO NOT CD in install-scripts. You can also just ran the ./ instead once Debian and Ubuntu Hyprland folders are updated.
Closing Thoughts
  • As always, I would like to thank all those who have tested and contributed.
  • Take care always. Love from 🇰🇷 & 🇵🇭 :)

Here are the beautiful people who express their love by buying me coffee via Buymecoffee and,Github sponsorship and Youtube

Thank you very much.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.2.12...v2.2.13


24 May 12:30
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Hello its me again, always poking around stuff and so...

  • This release is not so much changes as it seems. Mostly are just some bug fixes, tweaking, etc etc..
  • I'd Like to thank @SherLock707 & @JohnRTitor who actively contributing to this project.
  • I'd like to thank @darkeddie for fixing the Rofi-Beats to play local music and able to shuffle it. And of course for submitting all those beautiful screenshots of the waybar styles. Please check out on the Gallery LINK

so what changed?

  • Dwindle Layout is now default. Actually as per voting from the Discord, master config is 1 vote higher than dwindle. However, since release of v2.2.11, I start to use dwindle layout. And actually, its not bad... of course you can always change the default layout via ~/.config/hypr/UserConfigs/UserSettings.conf. Of course the temporary layout of change layout via keybind CTRL ALT L is still there.

  • Waybar configs and styles (some) are tweaked. Added New Config (TOP - Simple) and [Wallust-Bordered] Chroma Simple Style. Added workspace#rw on waybar module bank.

  • Introducing group waybar modules and added power-profiles-daemon. Note that installation of power-profiles-daemon will be ONLY offered to asus laptops.


I cant add to all since it conflicts with TLP, CPU-Auto-frequency etc.

  • Rofi beats can now play shuffle local music. Thanks to @darkeddie

  • Change on the wallpaper menu, which can now detect the wallpapers inside wallpapers directory i.e. Dynamic Wallpapers. Animation changes to "any" swww mode instead of just slide

  • some updates on WindowRules.conf

  • some hyprland animation and settings changes. default blur increased to 6 from 5

  • Rofi configs tweaked / cleaned up

  • switching keyboard layout fixed. Thanks to @vailrahmatulin . Note, the keybind was changed as well. See new keybinds in ~/.config/hypr/UserConfigs/UserKeybinds.conf. Obviously this is only for multiple kb layout users

  • small tweak of AGS Overview. Goodbye xrandr :) Huge Thanks to @SherLock707

  • added Rofi-Calc - Based on qalculate-gtk. Thanks to @JosephArmas. Note that I moved the keybinds and script to UserConfigs and UserScripts.

  • added fastfetch config. Note, Debian / Ubuntu users, you need to download and install from Fastfetch github page

  • added a compact fastfetch config. Thanks to @JohnRTitor. Can invoke the compact config by fastfetch --config ~/.config/fastfetch/config-compact.jsonc or can be alias cfastfetch="fastfetch --config ~/.config/fastfetch/config-compact.jsonc" on your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc


Even fastfetch is included on the installation, I have not set to add on ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc

  • You maybe notice in your first boot of course new default waybar style and wallpaper. This will be like a trend I will start. New release new waybar style new wallpaper.. As usual, you can always change it using waybar style & configs menu :)

as per voting on Discord, I will keep the rainbow borders on by default. :)

  • Oh I almost forgot, I set a new GTK dark theme (again).. I found that Andromeda GTK theme looks better than brownish-greyish WhiteSur-Dark . Here is the LINK to the new GTK theme


  • alot of times I have been asked about this. Please see this WIKI
  • But the easiest is to re-download the Distro-Hyprland install scripts and re-ran. As this will cover everything..
  • If you are using v2.2.11, you can ran the . and of course install the GTK-themes and icons above If you are using v2.2.10 and older, you need to download and rerun the Distro-Hyprland Install scripts again. This is because your dots will not work properly as there are changes especially from v2.2.11 where I moved the color-palette generation from pywal to wallust. Please see the release notes for v2.2.10

Closing notes:

  • Well, just want to say thanks to all. For all the supports. For those who have tested and kept in touch on Discord. Kindly join my Discord for faster communication.

Here are the beautiful people who express their love by buying me coffee via Buymecoffee and

Thank you very much. Some I have to mask your name for privacy :)

  • @dfabianus
  • William stil****
  • Coco R***
  • Nathan Le****

Previous Kofi Supports (From 2024) but was not properly sent my thanks via releases or videos

  • Leif Rasmu****
  • Paul@UnitedKingdom
  • @rapaz2044
  • Bobblkabb
  • Artzi
  • Ger O'M
  • uci

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.2.11...v2.2.12

v2.2.11-1 Hotfix

14 May 09:35
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This is just basically a small hotfix and quick fix

Adjusted some wallust colors for some waybar styles and swaync
wallust backends switched to kmeans. It looks alot better
added in the Keyhints for AGS Overview (Desktop Overview)
startup for swww is fixed..

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.2.11...v2.2.11-1


13 May 03:39
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So after a week of poking around new things, I now present to you v2.2.11 :)

Breaking Changes

  • Have now move to wallust. You need v3 of wallust. V2.10 and older wont work. For Arch users, you can just install wallust-git from AUR. Other Distro, compile and install the wallust dev branch
  • Im setting a new GTK Themes and Icons. LINK. Not really a breaking changes but the automatic install copy for this dots, it was set to initially boot with these new GTK themes and icons. You dont have to install it. After boot, you will just have to reset your GTK themes and icons using nwg-look or anything you prefer. Or you can switch to Dark / Light theme and it should apply your previous GTK themes

Naturally, I have adjusted all the Distro-Hyprland scripts (Arch, Debian, Fedora, OpenSuse and Ubuntu 24.04).

That is why I highly suggest you to re-download and re-install these Hyprland install scripts irrespective of which Hyprland Dots version you are currently using.

  • If you are coming from Hyprland-Dots v2.2.10 , you can just install ags, wallust and new GTK Themes and Icons and just ran the, or even the . (Choose only one... Duh) Please see the wiki I have created HERE about copy, release and's

Some new Features for this dots

AGS Overview

  • Huge thanks to @SherLock707 for this . Special thanks to @JohnRTitor for his test and contributions on this
  • SUPER A to launch AGS overview

For multi-monitor users, Im happy to announce that you can set any wallpapers individually :) All the wallpaper scripts, even the random ones are now only on active monitors o


Dare I say I forgot wallust? :)

  • Because pywal and neofetch are now in public Archive, need to find alternative. I know there is pywal16-colors but he need to update his readme as well... But, I see greatness ahead of color tweaking with wallust. I just hope maintainer of wallust need to double time to release and pack to major distros. :)

Distro-Hyprland install scripts

Normally I dont state here but I believe that since this is like the center of attraction for those scripts, better to mention here. Dont you guys agree? 😉

Arch Linux

  • Well not really much issue here. Its just flexible and bleeding edge
  • reminder aylur-gtk-shell and wallust-git to install

Fedora Linux

  • Well only issue is NO workspace on waybar. This is because fedora need to update their waybar repo. Some huge changes on Hyprland socket/ipc . Either you will compile waybar from source or wait until they will update. Should be within this week (hopefully)
  • Wallust is not on repo, so you have to install from dev branch.
  • Owners of Fedora 38 & 39, kindly read the Fedora-Hyprland readme as some manual adjustment on nwg-look else wont install

OpenSuse TW Linux

  • Oh my love and hate with this Distro. Slow package manager plus why the heck sometimes it wants to install sway?!?!? Is there anyway to "block" this?
  • ags and wallust (dev) need to install from source.

Debian 13 Trixie

  • I think bleeding edge package and Debian does not really play smooth. Need to baby sit the install scripts
  • Same as Fedora Linux, waybar on Debian is slow. But as of this moment, its on SID channel. So soon will be on Trixie I believe :)
  • I have set to install Hyprland v0.40 and Waybar will be compiled from source.
  • Well lots of these packages are installed from source anyway 😅

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

  • Last but not the least, Ubuntu Noble Numbat
  • NOTE that Hyprland version that was set to install will be v0.39.1.
  • Why is that? Well being an LTS, I dont expect the wayland-protocols to be updated sooner... and v0.40 needs an up to date dependencies
  • But, I have set to install AGS and Wallust so yeah it is still compatible for this Hyprland-Dots release :)

Gentoo Linux

  • Well, you will have to manage it yourself 🤣 . But my Desktop is flawless with these dots :)


  • Well, same as OpenSuse TW, I have a love and hate feelings with this Distro. Thats why it has never been my main distro
  • For example, you cant just install from source, plenty things to do to get wallust-dev
  • BUT, special thanks to @JohnRTitor since he is pushing for this to wallust developer :)

Overall recommendation is to re-download and re-install from Distro-Hyprland script

  • Sometimes git pull is NOT enough. I dont know why but I experience it from time to time. That is why I always recommend to Re-download from your Distro-Hyprland install script and reinstall it.
  • Please do yourself a favor to go through changelogs and readme!
  • Two benefits for re-downloading the installs scripts. One is that you will get always the latest Hyprland-Dots release. Second, will be helping me to fix some bugs if present 😉. Dont worry I tested them all on my Machines

Some preview of these changelogs are HERE

Here are some of the changelogs:

  • small tweak on WindowRules.conf
  • fixed hyprlock delay due to weather. thanks to @SherLock707
  • couple of typo and bug fixes
  • tweaked for higher resolutions (4K) & 1080p
  • some waybar style and module tweaks and re-organized
  • added new waybar style Wallust - Transparent background
  • added new waybar style - Dark Latte-Wallust combined. thanks to mannatsingh from my discord server for the design
  • updated rofisearch script to close rofi when toggled
  • Rofi configs tweaking to accomodate lower resolutions
  • Rofi Beats can play local music. thanks to @Linxford. Need to tweak though as it wont continously play to next music file
  • disabled silent moving of thunar to workspace 3. But can still enable in ~/.config/hypr/UserConfigs/WindowRules.conf
  • moving to wallust from pywal. NOTE you need v3 of wallust or the dev branch. wallust stable V2.10 wont work
  • Wallpaper Scripts updated (random, select and automatic change) will only set wallpaper on FOCUSED monitor only. NOTE: you need awk for it to work
  • ags overview powered by aylur's gtk shell. Huge thanks to @SherLock707

known issue: New rofi-beats can play local music, however, I cant make it play randomly and continously all the music inside a certain directory and sub-directories

And of course, many thanks to few people who have tested this version, reported some bugs, and help me iron-out these dotfiles.

Closing remarks

  • As these project requires lots of time to test for compatibilities and such accross distros, perhaps a Kofi or Coffee would be good :)

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.2.10...v2.2.11


04 May 22:21
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Just a small cleanup..

ags should not be there :)

Full Changelog: v2.2.10...v2.2.10-1


04 May 15:41
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Ok took a while to release this..

First off, I appreciate all those who contributed, tested this release...

Lots of things happened here... Oh the Debian/Ubuntu Hyprland project have now coped up.. took me a while to fix that script. But im happy that it works on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS :) I dont know how long though.. But breaking change on the project is that wont support Ubuntu 23.10 anymore.

Anyway, lots of things change here..
Latest is new rofi themes :) credit to @zDyanTB - I got some ideas from his hyprnova project
and pyprland (Hyprland Plugin) . Thanks to @JohnRTitor for the PR

Here is the changelogs

  • xwayland fix for pywal. Thanks to @Dreded
  • small update on windowrule - floating thunar dialogs
  • added Windowrules.Conf - to assign workspace rules, ie, assigning specific workspace into a certain monitors
  • rofi configs cleaned up. thanks to @KKV9
  • added pyprland plugin (Desktop Zoom & Drop down terminal)
  • Disabled Super Key only to launch rofi..It starting to get annoying :). Still you can enable in ~/.config/hypr/UserConfigs/UserKeybinds.conf
  • updated weather app (python based) for waybar. Although not enabled by default
  • new rofi themes

You can check the rofi themes on THIS

Lastly, special mention @SherLock707 , he is cooking something for next release :) Im also excited for that

Anyway, I will probably present a video on my YT for this release. Havent presented my dots for a while now 😔

Enjoy your weekend... Take care
❤️ from 🇰🇷 & 🇵🇭

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.2.9...v2.2.10


01 May 03:17
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Well this is just a small release.. couple of fixes here and there......

Since this week was about Debian/Ubuntu Hyprland Project cope up with new Hyprland (v0.39.1) or the latest so far :)

some notable changes:

  • updated waybar style half moon to be part of Dark waybar styles
  • small hyprlock config update (grace period to 0)
  • moving of from UserScripts to scripts.
  • some small tweaks of the configs
  • updated rofi beats

Thank you all those who contributed

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.2.8-1...v2.2.9