My portfolio website showcases my skills, experience, and projects in a professional and minimalist design. Its responsive layout ensures it looks great on all devices. In addition, the website includes ways to connect with me, allowing for easy communication and collaboration.
- JS
To get a local copy and running follow the following steps.
Clone the app by running this command
git clone "Click here"
Navigate into the folder by running this command
cd My-Portfolio
Install the dependencies by running this command
npm install
View the output in your browser by running this command
npm start
You require:
- A web browser to see your result
- A text editor ( VScode, Sublime, Atom etc) and GitBash to code your project.
You can run your test through the following process:
Commit and push your changes
Navigate to pull request
Create a pull request.
👤 Jacinta Ngwu
- GitHub: @JacintaNgwu
- Twitter: @jacinta_ngwu
- LinkedIn: jacinta_ngwu
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check for issues and contribute issues page
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
I say thank you to:
Microverse for the templete.
Coding parrtners for your contribution.
This project is MIT licensed.