Advanced Algorithms: Sudoku Solver
This repo is for Lab 1 of the course Advanced Algorithms: Proving Sudoku is NP-complete. In our report, we walked through a proof where k-colorability is NP-complete, and that converting a n x n Sudoku board (where n represents a unit of the board) to a graph format, Sudoku can be colored in n colors, and therefore, is NP-complete.
Our code is the implementation of our proof and creates a graph representation of a 9 x 9 Sudoku board. By proving this graph is 9-colorable, this Sudoku game can be satisfied since each of the nine colors represent a number from 1 through 9.
We use the networkx
function to set up the Sudoku graph and to easily retrieve the neighbors of each of the nodes.
To run the main program:
To run the test cases: