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A small tool to track the cell trajectories with Matlab.


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Paticle/Cell tracking (Matlab)

BSD- License View Tracking on File Exchange


This repo contains the source codes for tracking particles motion with Matlab. The program can process tracking with fluorescent OR dark filed movies (i.e., the objects should be brighter than the background) AND also phase contrast movies (i.e., the objects shoule be darker than the background).

The function can work with Matlab 2018a and should be OK with previous Matlab version (early to 2014a) too. In early Matlab, function imwrite may cause problems when saving an image into '.tif' stack with Windows OS.

Both '.tif' stack and '.nd2' NIS-Elements files are supported. If your movie (or images) are in another format, such as '.avi' or '.jpg', you can transform the movie into a '.tif' stack with ImageJ.

The movie should be in grayscale (uint16 or unit8). For '.nd2' file, the movie file should be in one series. Now the script use nd2reader to load '.nd2' file into Matlab. It also provied a Linux version at nd2reader-linux. If you are familar with with Bio-Format, you can change this repo to 'ND2withBioFormat' channel to do tracking with Bio-Format.

Cite As

  1. Zuo, Wenlong. & Wu, Yilin. (2020). Dynamic motility selection drives population segregation in a bacterial swarm. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 201917789.


For users working with git on Windows, you can fork/clone the repo with.

git clone Tracking

If you do not get the nd2reader submodule automatically, try

git submodule update --init

For users directly download the .zip file from Github, you need to download nd2reader manually.

For users working with linux, you can clone both Trakcing and nd2reader-linux to your working path,

git clone Tracking
git clone nd2reader 

Then you can copy the files in nd2reader into Tracking and overwriter the original files.

sudo rm -rf Tracking/nd2reader/
sudo cp -rf nd2reader/ Tracking/



Basic usage

You can use the following command to track the particle/cell motion in the file of FileName. FileName should contain the full path and extension name, such as 'D:\Data\Test.tif'.

[Trace_All, ImageInfo] = Tracking(FileName);

The funtion will return two result as a cell data Trace_All and a structure data ImageInfo.

Each cell in Trace_All will be one trajectory in the movie. The data are recorded in a 2D array. The first column Trace_All{1}(:,1) record the frame number. The second and third columns Trace_All{1}(:,2:3) record the 'x' and 'y' coordinates of the particle/cell location in each frame. And the last column Trace_All{1}(:,4) record the cell size (pixels in area) we measured in each frame.

Structure ImageInfo will record some basic information of the movie file. Such as width and height of the image ImageInfo.ImageWidth, ImageInfo.ImageHeight, length of the movie ImageInfo.numImages, and the frames series we use for tracking for multi-channel condtition ImageInfo.TrackImageIndex.

Running the function will also save two data files under the same path of the movie file, a binary '.tif' stack of the movie and a '.mat' Matlab data file contains all the intermediate variables.

You can also do tracking with a B/W image with

[Trace_All, ImageInfo] = TrackingBW(BWImage);

BWImage can be a matrix of binary images in Matlab workspace or a filename with full path of the binary images data in .mat file or an binary .tif stack.

Parameter options

Setting parameters

You can set parameters for Tracking with the command below.

[Trace_All, ImageInfo] = Tracking(FileName, 'Parameter', value);

For string type value, you shold use ''. Such as,

[Trace_All, ImageInfo] = Tracking(FileName, 'AutoThreshold', 'on');

Split channels

If your movie stack is a multi-channel series of loops as 'fluorescent image - bright filed image', you can use parameters ChannelNum and TrackChannel to split the stack.

The command below will split the stack into 2 channels by auto-detect the fluorescent image as the image 'darker' than the other one.

[Trace_All, ImageInfo] = Tracking(FileName, 'ChannelNum', 2);

You can also specify the channel you want to track with TrackChannel.

[Trace_All, ImageInfo] = Tracking(FileName,'ChannelNum', 3, 'TrackChannel', 2);

The above command will split the stack into 3 channels and do particle/cell tracking at 2nd channel, i.e., with No. 2, 5, 8... images.

The ChannelNum is set to ChannelNum = 1 as default.

Background normalization

Fluorescent images acquired with wild-field fluorescent microscope may show brighter center and darker corners. We automatically normalization the image with a Gaussian peak fitting for background. Set Normalization 'off' will stop auto normalization.

[Trace_All, ImageInfo] = Tracking(FileName, 'Normalization', 'off');

Stucked particles/cells in the movie may cause a wrong detection of background and lead to a 'warning' of badly background fitting.

Threshold auto-adjust

The program would automatically detect the threshold for the movie to transfer the grayscale image into B/W image for cell detection. You can also set the threshold your self.

[Trace_All, ImageInfo] = Tracking(FileName, 'AutoThreshold', 'off', 'BlurSize', 1.5,...
     'ExtensionRatio', 2);

Firstly, the image will be blurred with Gaussian filter to remove the obvious noise on the background. Then the threshold is set as mean intensity of the background + standard deviation of the background noise * ratio. At last the B/W image are revised with activecontour. BlurSize will set the radius for gauss blurring. ExtensionRatio set the ratio in the threshold.

When set 'AutoThreshold' 'off' without specify the parameter value. The default values will be applied as below.

BlurSize = 1.5; ExtensionRatio = 2;

Advanced usage

Particle/cell size control

To control the quality of the binary image, the default particle/cell size (area in binary image) is set as 120 pixels in function CellSizeControl.

CellSize_default = 120;

The mean cell size would be around CellSize_default after appling CellSizeControl. You can change the default cell size to acquire a better auto threshold result.

If you would like to turn off auto cell size adjustment. You can use the following command.

[Trace_All, ImageInfo] = Tracking(FileName, 'AutoCellSzie', 'off');

Noise level

The area smaller than 5 pixels would be taken as 'noise' on background during the threshold test.

NoiseNum(BlurSize_index, ExtensionRatio_index) = sum(CellSize < 5);

When adjustiing threshold, we try to balance the cell number detected and noise level, i.e., detect as more cells as we can with lowest noise NoiseNum < 3. Both the size of the noise pixels and the allowable number of noise areas can be adjusted in TheresholdTest.

The residual noise pixels will be abandoned in cell size control.

Particle/cell density

For better tracking result, the detected particle/cell density should be around 100 to 200 per frame. If there are too few cells, a missing or a new comming cell may cause wrong connections between frames. If there are too many cells, the collision between cells may also cause wrong connections.

There will be a warning if there are too few or too many cells detected in some of the frames. Try to check and adjust the threshold to obtain a better tracking result.


Reading the image into Matlab is the most slowly process in the full function. The images are loaded and processed one by one in Matlab, as for some of the cases, it is hard to load all the data (in tens of GB, out of RAM) into Matlab at once. If you RAM is large enough, you can change the image loading part in BW_All could obtain better efficiency. Using a parfor to load and process the image will be faster.

Now the program use imerode and imdilate to adjust cell size to achieve better efficiency. You can also use activecontour to acquire better B/W image.

[Trace_All, ImageInfo] = Tracking(FileName, 'ActiveContourStatus', 'on', 'ActiveContourTimes', 10);

Function activecontour can work independent of CellSizeControl.

[Trace_All, ImageInfo] = Tracking(FileName, 'AutoCellSize', 'off', 'ActiveContourStatus', 'on', ...
     'ActiveContourTimes', 10);

Tracking phase contrast movie

You can set 'Method','PhaseContrast' to track the cells in phase contrast movies.


You can also adjust the threshold parameters manually.`

Tracking with local maximal

You can find the object with the local maximal method.


Default, the LocalMax function will generate the local maximal pixel in range of 6 pixels. The local maxima will be filtered with auto tolerance. With the auto tolerance, only the pixel which is significantly brighter than the other pixels around it would be regarded as the object. You can also set the Range and Tolerance manually.

Tracking(FileName,'Method','LocalMaximal', 'Range', 9, 'Tolerance', 200);

The value of Tolerance should be the intensity difference between the local maximal pixel and the median of pixels around it.

Warning! do not use local maximal method for rod shaped particle such as bacteria. The local maximal pixel may not locate at the center of the rod shaped particle.

Appended functions

Process bar

There is a processing bar in [##>---] style displayed in Matlab command window when running for loops during tracking.

The function DisplayBar is used to display the processing bar. The number of # on the screen indicates the percentage of the progress. The process bar is 80 characters in width. You can also use the process bar in all for loops as below,

for Index = 1:Length
    [Percentage, Barlength] = DisplayBar(Index, Length);

The bar would be shown in the command windows as below.

Trace trimmer

The trimmer function provides a tool to trim the trajectories.

[Trace_Trimmed] = TraceTrimmer(Trace_All);

If the cell size in one trajectory changed more than 80%, i.e. smaller than 20% of the mean size or larger than 180% of the mean size, we will cut the trajectory based on cell size.

[Trace_Trimmed] = TraceTrimmer(Trace_All, MinLength);

Using MinLength will keep the trajectories longer than the MinLength. Set MinLength = 0 will keep all trajectories.

Trace player

This function provides a small tool to show the single trace in Matlab implayer.

[TraceMovie] = TracePlayer(ImageInfo, Trace);

You need to load the .mat file saved with Tracking function and running the above command to play the trajectory Trace. There will be a white box on the cell body that indicated the cell in the Trace.


A small tool to track the cell trajectories with Matlab.








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