***Mac Users, Docker wants to run web apps from the /Users/ directory. You will want to put your source code there.
Before getting started you will want to make sure you have done the following:
- Install the latest version of VirtualBox, if already installed make sure it is updated to the latest version.
sudo dnf install VirtualBox
Setup docker-machine, it is installed by default with Docker. Docker Machine is used to run docker containers locally.
Create a local virtual box. Open terminal, run
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default
For running MySQL you may need to allocate extra memory
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 4096 default
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 8192 default
Make sure to copy the IP address excluding the color and port number at the end. E.g. tcp:// you would copy just
Open up
add the line: docker.dev
Once that is finished you can check that it worked by listing your virtual boxes using this command:
docker-machine ls
You can list commands for your new VM with this:
docker-machine env default
- Next you can connect your shell to your VM
eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
To stop your machine run
docker-machine stop default
To restart your machine run
docker-machine start default
You can create an alias in your .bash_profile or .bashrc file to start up your machine and connect your shell like this:
alias dockup="docker-machine start default && eval \"\$(docker-machine env default)\""
For more legit info visit this hyperlink: Docker Machine Documentation
- Get the Amazon Linux Docker Image on your local machine by running this:
docker pull amazonlinux
**Optional: To get the composer docker package run:
docker pull composer/composer
Create your own apache image in a new folder on your machine where you want to store images. It can be anywhere, I put mine in my project webroot in a folder called docker and then images.
From shell, navigate into your images folder and create a folder called apachephp. Then create a folder in the apachephp folder called ami(you might later want an Ubuntu apache image). Create a new file in the ami folder called Dockerfile and paste in the following:
FROM amazonlinux
MAINTAINER Cameron Macfarlane <cammac1984@gmail.com>
RUN yum update -y
RUN yum install httpd24 vim php71 php71-pdo php71-mbstring php71-pecl-imagick php71-opcache -y
# Start the service
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/sbin/httpd"]
- Run this command from the folder to package up your docker image:
docker build -t jameron/apachephp docker/images/apachephp/ami/.```
If you need to rebuild your image after making changes run the command with --no-cache option.
docker build --no-cache -t killacam/apachephp docker/images/apachephp/ami/.```
11) You can run the package via bash using this command:
`docker run -it -p 8080:80 -v $(pwd)/docker/vhost.conf:/etc/httpd/conf.d/vhost.conf -v $(pwd):/var/www/html killacam/apachephp;`
You can run you bare AWS Linux instance with no packages like this:
`docker run -it amazonlinux:latest /bin/bash`
To Stop your virtual machine run
`docker-machine stop default`
To start your container as daemon (background) via docker-compose.yml file via:
docker-compose up -d
Then to see what images are running and get their ids run
docker ps
To enter into a running instance's bash run this with the instance id
docker exec -it e1b0b3f4d372 bash
****Not working****
This never worked for me but you can try setting up your own MySQL install:
Build your mysql container images/mysql/ami/Dockerfile
FROM amazonlinux
MAINTAINER Cameron Macfarlane <cammac1984@gmail.com>
RUN yum update -y
RUN yum install mysql56-server -y
RUN chown -R mysql:root /var/lib/mysql/
docker build -t killacam/mysql docker/images/mysql/ami/.
docker build --no-cache -t killacam/php docker/images/mysql/ami/.