This project is build on top of ReactiveMongo to provide an easy "DAO"/"Repository" oriented solution. I use the Criteria DSL from ReactiveMongo-Criteria
In your build.sbt
, add the following entries:
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("jarlakxen", "maven")
libraryDependencies += "org.reactivemongo" %% "reactivemongo" % "0.12.6"
libraryDependencies += "io.eremon" %% "eremon-core" % "1.8.0"
import io.eremon._
import reactivemongo.api.indexes._
import reactivemongo.bson._
import reactivemongo.bson.Macros.Annotations._
case class User(name: String, age: Int, software: Set[String], @Key("_id") id: ID = ID.generate())
implicit val userReader: BSONDocumentReader[User] = Macros.reader[User]
implicit val userWriter: BSONDocumentWriter[User] = Macros.writer[User]
class UserRepository(database: MongoDB)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends ReactiveRepository[User](
ec) {
override def indexes: Seq[Index] = Seq(
Index(Seq("name" -> IndexType.Ascending), unique = true)
import io.eremon._
val mongoUri = s"mongodb://<host>:<port>/test-db"
val database: MongoDB = MongoConnector(mongoUri)
val repository = new UserRepository(database)
val id = ID.generate()
val entity = Test("Linus Torvalds", 47, Set("Linux"), id)
repository.findOne(criteria[User]( === "Linus Torvalds")
repository.updateById(id, entity.copy(age = 46))
repository.updateBy(criteria[User]( === "Linus Torvalds", entity)
See more example in the tests.
What the DSL does provide is the ablity to formulate queries thusly:
import io.eremon.criteria._
// Using an Untyped.criteria
import Untyped._
// The MongoDB properties referenced are not enforced by the compiler
// to belong to any particular type. This is what is meant by "Untyped".
val adhoc = criteria.firstName === "Jack" && criteria.age >= 18;
val cursor = collection.find(adhoc).cursor[BSONDocument];
Another form which achieves the same result is to use one of the where
methods available:
import io.eremon.criteria._
// Using one of the Untyped.where overloads
import Untyped._
val cursor = collection.find(
where (_.firstName === "Jack" && _.age >= 18)
There are overloads for between 1 and 22 place holders using the where
method. Should more than 22 be needed, then the 1 argument version should be used with a named parameter. This allows an infinite number of property constraints to be specified.
For situations where the MongoDB document structure is well known and a developer wishes enforce property existence during compilation, the Typed
Criteria can be used:
import io.eremon.criteria._
// Using a Typed criteria which restricts properties to those
// within a given type and/or those directly accessible
// through property selectors.
import Typed._
case class Nested (rating : Double)
case class ExampleDocument (aProperty : String, another : Int, nested : Nested)
val byKnownProperties = criteria[ExampleDocument] (_.aProperty) =~ "^[A-Z]\\w+" && (
criteria[ExampleDocument] (_.another) > 0 ||
criteria[ExampleDocument] (_.nested.rating) < 10.0
val cursor = collection.find(byKnownProperties).cursor[BSONDocument];
When the Typed
version is employed, compilation will fail if the provided property navigation does not exist from the root type (specified as the type parameter to criteria
above) or the leaf type is not type-compatible with the value(s) provided (if any).
An easy way to think of this is that if it doesn't compile in "regular usage", then it definitely will not when used in a Typed.criteria
Note that Typed
and Untyped
serve different needs. When the structure of a document collection is both known and identified as static, Typed
makes sense to employ. However, Untyped
is compelling when document structure can vary within a collection. These are considerations which can easily vary between projects and even within different modules of one project.
Feel free to use either or both Typed
and Untyped
as they make sense for the problem at hand. One thing to keep in mind is that the examples shown above assumes only one is in scope.
When using the Criteria DSL, the fact that the operators adhere to the expectations of both programmers and Scala precedences, most uses will "just work." For example, explicitly defining grouping is done with parentheses, just as you would do with any other bit of Scala code.
For the purposes of the operator API reference, assume the following code is in scope:
import io.eremon.criteria.Untyped._
With the majority of comparison operators, keep in mind that the definition of their ordering is dependent on the type involved. For example, strings will use lexigraphical ordering whereas numbers use natural ordering.
- ===, @== Matches properties based on value equality.
criteria.aProperty === "value"
criteria.aProperty @== "value"
- <>, =/=, !== Matches properties which do not have the given value.
criteria.aProperty <> "value"
criteria.aProperty =/= "value"
criteria.aProperty !== "value"
- < Matches properties which compare "less than" a given value.
criteria.aNumber < 99
- <= Matches properties which compare "less than or equal to" a given value.
criteria.aNumber <= 99
- > Matches properties which compare "greater than" a given value.
criteria.aProperty > "Alice"
- >= Matches properties which compare "greater than or equal to" a given value.
criteria.aNumber >= 100
- exists Matches any document which has the specified field. Use the unary not operator to match based on the leaf property being absent entirely.
criteria.aProperty.exists // Requires 'aProperty' to be in the document
!criteria.aProperty.exists // Only matches documents without 'aProperty'
- in Matches properties which equal one of the given values or array properties having one element which equals any of the given values. Combine with the unary not operator to specify "not in." (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
! (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
- all Matches array properties which contain all of the given values.
criteria.strings.all ("hello", "world")
- =~ Matches a string property which satisfies the given regular expression
, optionally with regex flags.
criteria.aProperty =~ """^(value)|(someting\s+else)"""
criteria.aProperty =~ """^(value)|(someting\s+else)""" -> IgnoreCase
- !~ Matches a string property which does not satisfy the given regular expression
, optionally with regex flags.
criteria.aProperty !~ """\d+"""
criteria.aProperty !~ """foo.*bar""" -> (IgnoreCase | MultilineMatching)
- ! The unary not operator provides logical negation of an
!(criteria.aProperty === "value")
- && Defines logical conjunction (''AND'').
criteria.aProperty === "value" && criteria.another > 0
- !&& Defines negation of conjunction (''NOR'').
criteria.aProperty === "value" !&& criteria.aProperty @== "other value"
- || Defines logical disjunction (''OR'').
criteria.aProperty === "value" || criteria.aProperty === "other value"