Example Project to Utilize Twilio SMS from Vocalcom Hermes.Net
This project, when combined with a properly setup Twilio account can be used to send SMS messages from within a Hermes Scripting environment.
To start:
- Download this program and compile it using Visual Studio 2010 or above.
- This should be setup on the same server as your Plateform Publication, at the base NEXT to hermes_net_v4
- Enter your Account SID and Auth Token in the Web.Config
- Enter allowable 'FROM' numbers in Web.Config, these should be numbers setup in your account
- Upload Twilio.js into as an Action File in your Script.
- In an Action, create a UserDefined Function and enter the below code to call the function
SendSMS(@FromNumber.value, @ToNumber.value, @Message.value)