This is Pick Helper. It does one thing, picks objects in a 3d environment created with three js for you.
How to use:
First, install Pick Helper with this command
npm install pick-helper
Now import Pick Helper.
import PickHelper from pick-helper;
Next, create your pick helper.
pickHelper = new PickHelper(this.scene,;
pickHelper = new PickHelper(scene, camera)
Now you can use the .pick command to get the mesh your cursor is over.
pickHelper.pick(event, this.scene,, this.mount);
pickHelper.pick(event, scene, camera, mount);
Furthermore, you may also use the pickCenter method to pick what is in the center of your camera.
pickHelper.pickCenter(event, this.scene,, this.mount);
pickHelper.pickCenter(event, scene, camera, mount);
I have no interest in financial gain for this code and all are permitted to use it as they see fit.
special thanks to the creator of this tutorial:
This code is based off their PickHelper class but converted into an object-oriented form for use in React, etc. and all contained within said class.