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This is my collection of personal powershell scripts.

Building and installing the Powershell Scripts

  1. Dot source the build scripts. Do this from the tools directory because of the dot source dependencies in the file
Set-Location tools
. .\Build-PowershellModule.ps1
. .\Package-PowershellModule.ps1
. .\Deploy-PowershellModule.ps1
Set-Location ..
  1. From the directory where the powershell scripts live. The psd1 file will need to have the same name as the moduleName variable. The example file is PowershellJvB.psd1 which is what I use on my own machines.
$moduleName = "WhateverYouWantToNameIt"
Build-PowershellModule $moduleName
Package-PowershellModule $moduleName
Deploy-PowershellModule $moduleName

The Quick Way

From the project root



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