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Generate binary files from regular text ones


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Generate binary files from regular text ones.

1. Introduction - why this library?

Nowadays, about ~90% of the digital files are binary files. What does it mean? Well, basically a binary file is a non-structured file no human readable which has so many advantages facing regular text files:

  • Memory efficient: while plain text files has 128 possible values (pure unexpanded ASCII), binary files have up to 256 possible values, so it is twice compact (as for representing some chars in ASCII, more than one value is needed).
  • Compact: storing a binary file will necessarily be more packed than a plain text file.
  • No syntax definition: as some human-readable files such as XML, JAVA, etc. need a specific syntax for saving data correctly, they increase its size and complexity with that rules. As opposed to that, binary files just saves the data, with no modifications or rules, which is faster and memory friendly.
  • Directly to memory: as there is no need of processing the data, reading a binary file is as simple as it goes directly to the memory for using it.
  • Secure: as binary file is not human-readable file, it makes impossible to others to inspect and know the file contents without a proper editor. Also they need to know which type of data structure is saved for obtaining the desired instance.

Definitely, this library allows you to convert any text file to binary one, as fast as possible using multiple threads for achieving that purpose. In addition, you will be able to merge multiple files into one binary file, by declaring multiple paths where your file is in there, or using glob syntax for the same purpose.

If you need more information, please read the official documentation.

2. Installation

For using this library at any Java application you are using, you can just download from "Releases" or use one of the following methods:


First add JCenter to your app:


Then, you can just include the lib:



First, add JCenter to your app:

repositories {
    // Other repositories you have

Then, you can just include the lib:

implementation 'com.github.javinator9889:filetobytesexporter:1.0.4'


First, add JCenter to your Ivy settings:

        <ibiblio name="bintray"

Then, you can just include the lib:

<dependency org='com.github.javinator9889' name='filetobytesexporter' rev='1.0.4'>
  <artifact name='filetobytesexporter' ext='pom' ></artifact>

You must have to include JCenter() in order to make it work.

3. Usage

After successfully included the library in your project, you must do the following for using this class:

  • Generate a new FileToBytesExporter instance.

If generating a new file:

  • Setup the source filename.
  • Setup, if necessary, the paths where the source file is in.
  • Read the source file(s).
  • Write the output file.

If obtaining an exported file:

  • Read the output file.
  • Obtain the file separator (if necessary).
  • Obtain the file data.

3.1. Writing a new file

import com.github.javinator9889.exporter.FileToBytesExporter;


public class YourClassName {
    public void generateNewFile() {
        FileToBytesExporter exporter = new FileToBytesExporter();
        /* Alternatively, you can use the constructor providing 
           directly the "filename" and the "paths"
        String filename = "inputFile.txt";
        exporter.setPaths("path1", "path2", "...");
        // == new FileToBytesExporter(filename, "path1", "path2", "...");
            exporter.readSource(); // ALWAYS NEEDED WHEN EXPORTING
            // Can throw: MultipleFilesFoundError
            //            InvalidPathException
            //            FileNotFoundException
            //            IOException
            // If reading more than one file:
            // Custom file separator:
            exporter.readSource(true, "####");
            // Both can throw also InvalidFileSeparatorException
            File destination = new File("destinationfile.otxt");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // Handle error

3.2. Recovering a file

import com.github.javinator9889.exporter.FileToBytesExporter;
import com.github.javinator9889.error.FileError;


public class YourClassName {
    public void recoverFile() {
        FileToBytesExporter recover = new FileToBytesExporter();
        File sourceFile = new File("destinationfile.otxt");
        try {
            String fileSeparator = recover.getFileSeparator();
            String contents = recover.getReadData();
            // do work with those variables
            System.out.println("Separator: " + fileSeparator);
            System.out.println("Contents: \n\n" + contents);
        } catch (FileError fe) {
            System.err.println("Hashes are not the same");
        } catch (ClassCastException ce) {
            System.err.println("Recovered file is not valid");
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            System.err.println("File not found or error while reading data");

3.3. More information

If you want to know how are this methods working, which exceptions they are throwing and why, please read the official documentation:

4. Contributing

If you find any error or you want to add a new feature, you can perfectly:

  1. Open a new issue completing the issue template so it will be easier to solve it.

  2. Create a new pull request with the changes you have made to the project, and waiting my approval for merging them.

5. License

 Copyright © 2018 - present | Javinator9889

 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.

 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.

 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with this program.  If not, see